i want this someday.
When I think of falling in love with you, I will remember the summer mornings waking up in your bedroom. How we’d stumble out of bed and drowsily race down to the kitchen where we’d get big cups of coffee and read the newspaper with our feet in the swimming pool, and how we wouldn’t care that the bright morning sun was burning the pale skin that covers our shoulders, our cheeks.

I’ll think about watching the minutes tick by in my last afternoon class, and how the second I was allowed to leave, I’d go to your room and play games with you and wear your clothes while I contemplated what we should make for dinner that night.

I’ll think about the cold nights we’ve spent learning what the city has to offer us. The new places we’ve traveled and the hidden things we’ve uncovered. All the things we’ve discussed and how each decision we’ve made has been carefully planned out taking all elements into consideration.

I’ll think about how much work it has taken, and how worth it everything has been. I’ll never see a face more beautiful or hear a sentence more meaningful than one spoken from your lips. I’m hoping that I’ll get to spend my entire life wrapped up in your long arms listening to stories of your day.
And even when we’re miles and miles apart, you’re still holding all of my heart. I promise it will never be dark, I know we’re inseparable. We could run forever, if you wanted to. I would not get tired, because I’d be with you. I’d keep singing this song until the very end.

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