1. What will you do when you see a sir / madam, and ask for help, what are you gonna do?
-When I see a woman or a man who really need my help.
then do I have something in my hand if I make. imagine if it's nothing.

2. How old do you have to really go out drinking without showing you. Evidence?
-Above 20, but if you want to have a better life, do not drink.
(I've experienced my own liver friend of mine is broken)
I have two friends with liver problems, the other can not help it.
he was born but the other friend, drink lots of beer.

3. What will you do when you are alone in the world?
-I hope it will never happen, but if it does happen, then I hope it is also fast.

4. First I want to know your name.
-My name is Jeremy, I'm 21 years old. and I live in the Netherlands.
with my brothers. and of course my parents.

5. What would you like to play in and why?
I would love love to play in the hobbit. but also in percy jackson, as what does not matter.

6. In what advertising do you want in it, and what for?
a fun game, or a store.
7. If earth pass, What will you do first, and what will you want to do?
8.In which series you will want to play, and why?
9. What do you like?
10. What is your nickname?
11. If you want to create a school how will it know?
12 . In which country holiday you will like to have a house?

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