
so yeah, we CAN be champion with soccer this season in our rank, only if we win the next 3 games. Ugh, playin in a guy team is exhausting but fun at the same time. They do understand me, but anyways, like I said, we CAN be champoin... Only if we're all feeling good though. My best friend and I quite don't know what is true and what is lied, but we'll figure it out.
His team got champoin yesterday and yeah, I'm pretty much proud of him n happy for him but I don't understand why he's being such a douchbag. Like, okay, I stayed for him after the game because I wanted to give him a good hug, but yeah, of course there were others who couldn't leave so I had to wait and I was really patient. When everyone started to say things I was like "can this goddamn moment be over? And give my bag, my phone is in it!" I got my bag back, the word whore from my best friend and some laughing. But yeah, I don't really care because I'm sure he didn't meant it. If he did, he would have said no by me asking to look me in the eyes or he would have slapped me in the face or just didn't held my arms softly.
I do need to ask, who was he?

Anyways, I got spammed again by those moroans in that group lol. They are ALWAYS awake and the worst thing, they are from all over the world, some do not even type English. If you spam me, spam English or Dutch or Irish, I don't care, but just type it so that I can understand it, most of them seem not to understand what that means.

I'm just tired lol. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't anything. Ugh, fights with that idiot make me weak. I feel bad about it, but yeah, It wasn't my fault this time, now he can apologize against me. I'm not the one who always does wrong. Okay, I have to admit, I have been watching at him for a while nd call me creepy, but yeah, I pretty much know too much about him. Not that I figure out everything by myself, I really didn't need to know he wasn't wearing a short that night because he forgot them. Also, no, I didn't want to know his ass was getting cold. Why does he always tell me those things? And than you have those other moroans... Ugh... I call it a night for now, even though it's about 11:30 in the morning lol

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