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Robyn Hood
After While I was being saved, I started changing things in worlds where something was missing... my help. I didn't had much fighting talents, but I could outsmarten people. My bed was my TARDIS. But my body was left behind in medieval times.

Just another day at the bar. I ordered some jus de orange. Appearantly someone sitting next to me, thought it was funny. Yeah, right. I'm too cute and innocent for my own good, right?
'Are you kidding me?', he asked. Oh dear.
'I can drink more than you can', I replied; 'Wanna bet?'
He rolled his eyes; 'You can't be serious'
But I was. Immediatly I ordered a blue smurf. As the barkeeper took out the bottle filled with pure lemon juice, I grabbed the bottle and put it to my mouth. 'Ad fundum!', some guys shouted. Yep, I was gonna make it.
It only took one try to empty the bottle. 'Oh dear, she is going to trow up', someone feared. But I didn't had to. I knew exactly what I could drink.
'Believe me now?', I asked raising one eyebrow. Well, he didn't laugh at me anymore, that was something.
'That's... crazy'
Now I could drink my orange juice in peace.
'But how does that proof that you could drink more than I can?', he wondered.
'I didn't tell you what kind of fluïd. Lemon juice is all gone, you can't drink more of it than I can. My name is Robyn', I introduced myself by my well-known false name.
'The name is Jefferson' Really, he looked like his evil twin brother.
'Profession?' 'Secret. Yours?' 'Oh well, a little bit of everything'
'You thief!', someone shouted. I was scared. Until I saw he had no interest in me, only some in Jefferson. Boy, that little fellow looked angry, like he would shoot Jefferson straight away.
'I have no idea what you're talking about', Jefferson replied.
'Bullshit! Give me the alfenmap!'
Jefferson ignored the dwarf.
'Give me it or I will-'
'Hé!', I decided to jump in. Didn't want any fight here. 'Come on, I've got a better idea', I whispered to the dwarf. 'To get your revenge, you just have to act like you don't care... and leave it all to me. Me, you, happy, spending the night together, what do you think. And in the morning you will have your map back. Just leave it all up to me, that's all you have to do'
I was trying my best to break his poor manly strenght. Giving him all temptationus signs he could hope for while walking around him. Making him dizzy to the max.
'How can I know I could trust you?', he asked.
I grinned. 'Oh well', I showed him a little ring I'd steal out of Jefferson pocket that was arround something that could be it. Hopefully it was the thing.
The dwarf smiled; 'Oh, you foxy girl'
'So, what do you think?', I asked, letting my arm slip down from his shoulder to his chest. 'We got a deal?', I whispered.
'Yes we do', he said, bringing his lips closer. Immediately I gave him a knee, leaving him helpless for a second. I grabbed Jefferson's arm and got out of there. I waved goodbye to the barman, he had been a good friend. But now I just had to run for my life. Jefferson and I ran until we reached the bridge.
'Why did you do that?', he asked. Too soon, I couldn't speak yet.
'You... seemed... good company', I said in between breathing. Man, I really needed to work out more often.
He frowned.
'And... he had some money', I showed. Yes, I had stolen the dwarfs gold.
'Nice', he reached out for the purse. But he wasn't allowed to touch it. He could have something else.
'Here, your share', I passed him the ring.
'How did you do that?'
'What? Oh, the ringthing', that; 'I told you I do a little bit of everything. I didn't even know what he was talking about. Lucky guess'
From that moment on, we had a connection.
'What do you need that money for?' He pointed at the purse. Hm, I really needed to use it for some good.
As we passed the city-walls there was this girl staring at us. She looked kinda hungry. Not everyone in this land had parents to care for food. There was a lot of poverty and dying of disease. A faith I wanted to save this child from. She was to young for this kind of cruelty. I decided the money was mend for her.
'Here, you have it', I said to her. She looked rather scared and distrusting. 'Go, buy some clothes, clean yourself up, and present yourself to the king as a maid', I commanded her. She nodded, grasped the purse and ran away.
I smiled, knowing she would turn out to be just fine.
Jefferson looked at me with this crazed expression. 'Why did you do that?!?'
'She needed it more than I did. I've got an apple'
'So who are you supposed to be Robyn? Robyn Hood?'
I giggled. 'Yes. I am'
'Thought it was a man'
Hahaha, really? Why does everyone always think that? Well, it's good the hear they have no clue who I am. Wow, I'm really doing a great job.
'Sooo... what are you going to do with your alfenmap?', I wondered.
He took his time to consider whether I was to be trusted or not. Finally he said; 'Return to my homeland. A friend of mine needs it'
So he couldn't come with me on my quest to make this kingdom a better place. 'Oh, well, I guess this is our goodbye', I whispered.
'Will you ever return?'
'Ok. I would appreciate it if you would. But you don't have to promise me, I understand if you can't. See ya.'
He smiled as he walked away. I knew him. He would forget about me.
'I'll be looking forward to that day. I won't forget you', he shouted with a thankful salute. How I wish that could be true.

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