Hiyaa. Mijn school werm is een beetje nogal veel, dus vandaar dat ik het zo laat upload... enjoy! ;)

I heard a sweet laugh, which gave me the feeling that I would melt away, but after that laugh he hang up the phone. I just stood there like a statue with the phone in my hand and I couldn't believe what just had happened.

My father came in the room and asked me who it was that called me. I didn't move because I didn't hear it. I was just daydreaming. But my father woke me up, took the phone and laid it on the table.
"What... oh, hi dad."
"Hi! Who was calling you?"
"You aren't going to believe me if I say it."
"Just say it, ____. I don't want him to be a creepy man."
"No, it wasn't a creepy man. Well, maybe you think so..."
I was still standing there, with a surprised face expression.
"Dad, the man you heard was a bodyguard. But after the bodyguard talked to me someone very special talked to me."
"Who's bodyguard was it then?"
"Tokio Hotel's bodyguard."
He laughed because he thought it was a joke, but when he didn't see my face change he knew that I must've spoken the truth.
"At first I also thouhjt that it was a joke, but when I heard his voice... when Bill talked to me I immediately knew it was real."

Some of my family and friends didn't believe it, but I didn't care. I talked to Bill. For real!
When it was time for dinner, I was still very happy. Although I am probably never even going to talk to him again.
Of course I am not good enough for him. And I am also too young for him. What am I even thinking that's going to happen? Well, not much acually, and that made me a little bit sad. I am usually very positive, but more than this just isn't going to happen, I thought. But still, I talked to Bill, so I tried to forget what I was thinking before and I was being happy again.

It's now 7 o'clock and my family told me to put on some nice clothes, so that I would look good and pretty. I don't know what we are going to do, with who and why, But I did what my parents said, so I am looking good now. Well, for how far I will look good.

When I had finished I went downstairs. My mom told me to wait half an hour. She alsi told me that I shouldn't be to happy, because it was irritating. I had been happy for two days in a row now, and it was getting on everybody's nerves. But I just couldn't help it. Anyway, I didn't know what to expect, so I was a little nervous. I think I was mostly nervous because my mom and dad told me to dress up, but everybody in the house looked all mormal. Nobody was dressed up except for me.

Reageer (1)

  • xLenox

    Oeeehhh exciting!! :D

    1 decennium geleden

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