Foto bij Prompt two

I first met the reaper when she came for my hamster. She was wearing a pink ribbon dress, shimmering shoes and a big pink bow in her black hair. I was ten so was she, but after that I met her a number of times. Two years later when my grandpa died. I even think I saw her at the funeral dresses in skyblue that time. Then that same year again when my sister her dog Daisy died also dressed in pink. When I was fifteen I saw her in the hospital, I broke my arm but she wasn’t there for me ofcours. I was curious so I followed her purple figure. She was there for terminal ill boy, he must have been about eight. I would swear she was crying.

The last time I saw her alive was when I was on the floor of a bank, while three robbers with heavy machine guns were shouting demands. She shown up. She looked different then before but her face was the same. She was about 18 years old, my age. I never had thought that reapers aged too. She was still wearing a dress only now she wore a black one instead of a pink one. Her heels made a clicking noise on the marble floor. On her face was a stern look, she walked around the people on the floor making her way to the entrance. I followed her with my eyes she was walking to the security guard. He stood up, with a crack in his voice he had shouted freeze, but he got shot in response he shot. The reaper touched him and he fell down then she made her way to the shot robber and touched him as well. Panic rose throughout the bank even the robbers started to be agitated. Sirens sounded in the distance, with only one bag filled with money they tried to make their exit. Both of them grabbed somebody to use as shield for the police. I was one of them. More than sounds of the events after that I can’t remember, shouting, sirens, and gunshots. Then her face a faint smile was on her lips and than totally darkness.

When I wake up I am surrounded by black but I can feel that I am standing, breathing even. I was sure I got shot, "Welcome to reaper acedemy do you accept your new chance?". I said "yes", and so started a new life for me filled with secrets that were going to be revealed, by the girl reaper who aged with me.

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