His father had insisted Aidan joined the council to discuss the course of actions properly, since he had offered the idea to move the visit to Underconqueron up. Knowing he couldn’t refuse, Aidan was now seated to the immediate right of his father – where council elder Jura usually sat. A sign his father recognized him and accepted his ideas more than what the council elder had to say.
      “Considering the incident that has happened at factory 8.1C in the factory department yesterday, we have to discuss a way to make this up to the workers. Now, my son came up with an excellent plan I’d like to put in motion immediately. However, it’s our job to make sure this plan is executed with great precision. One wrong detail and we might make the situation worse.
      Our periodic visit to Underconqueron is supposed to be in two months. However, as Brother Aidan suggested to me yesterday, it would be best if we go down sooner. This isn’t the first incident that killed or wounded an entire factory, but we need to show them that we care a little. If we announce the Ascension Rite will take place sooner than planned and that more people will get a chance at a better way of life, they will calm down more,” Xavierno announced with a stern voice. There was no way anyone would be able to say no to this plan, only to how it would be carried out.
      “How will we know that the mood becomes better if we do this, though? There’s no proof that the workers are starting to rebel or are dissatisfied with the way it’s going right now, so how do we know this won’t cause extra harm?” one of the members asked.
      Aidan looked at his father for permission to speak. He got a barely noticeable nod as agreement. With that, he stood up to speak to a hall full of experienced council members – most of which probably viewed him as an arrogant and lazy ass.
      “It’s not about them rebelling at this moment. It’s not about them being dissatisfied right now. It’s about the long term. How will they look back when this happens another time? Or when more die, because something else explodes or breaks? We need to make sure they are pleased with the compensation. Waiting until our planned visit doesn’t make them view us as good or caring, it’s just routine at that point.
      But if we go down sooner, spread the news that we’ll be taking more than the twelve workers we take up every seven months and maybe bring some extra gifts, like luxurious goods, they will see us as merciful beings who care about their wellbeing and make sure they’re satisfied. It’s not about stopping a revolt, it's about preventing one. Thank you for listening.” He bowed his head in respect before he sat down again. The council was a little stunned by him making a plea for a change, but they soon started mumbling and discussing amongst themselves.
      Aidan could only pick up a few words of the people closest to him. It seemed like they had already moved on from checking the idea to how to execute it.
      “Father, Brother, we have come to the conclusion that this would be an opportune plan indeed. If executed properly, it can be very fruitful and could calm the masses for a while.
      In addition to moving the descend to Underconqueron up on the calendar, we also agree that it would be quite beneficial to prepare an event for those who will not be chosen. A festival with foods, drinks and perhaps some entertainment. It may not appeal to every worker, but it will do good things for the overall morale,” Kley spoke somewhat wisely.
      “Start planning. We have one week to plan everything perfectly before announcing it to the people of Underconqueron. Prepare a musician as entertainment and ask the crafters of the city to make a token of appreciation for the workers. It needs to be something they can leave in their rooms as decoration, we can’t take the risk of jewelry getting stuck in machines or have them own luxurious clothes. It must be nice, but not too generous. They might expect more or start acting out of line if it’s too much.” The order was clear and the council immediately scattered, except for Jura, Kley, Vitar and Plinius .
      The four council elders stayed behind to prepare the official details for the day. Aidan knew they didn’t leave that to the common council members and that this was his cue to take his leave. But as he made the effort to stand up, his father put a hand on his shoulder, holding him down.
      “Stay, Aidan. It’s time for you to learn and see how much time goes into preparing the so-called Ascension Rite. It’s time for you to start the proper education to become my heir.” A firm statement, forcing Aidan to give up his free time for the day.
      Aidan sat back down reluctantly. His father was right, he had to know all this boring useless shit. Although, he’d much rather have spent his day with Yuno in one of their secret spots in the gardens, bitching to each other about pointless things. Mainly school, the day-to-day life and their possible arranged marriage.
      He’d even rather spend his day in the library, studying until dinner was served. He’d honestly rather be anywhere but here, doing anything else but listening to stuffy old men taking their sweet time to decide on matters.
      “How many people should we be picking now?” Xavierno asked his advisors.
      “Considering we usually pick twelve people every time we descend, maybe double this time? Or triple even. We normally only go there once, sometimes twice a year, so we should definitely pick a number that’ll make it seem like we actually want to give more people a chance at a better life,” Vitar claimed. “Thirty-six seems a bit like overkill though, if we add extra events to the Rite.”
      A wise decision, Aidan thought.
      “Brother Aidan, since it was your idea, what’s your opinion on this matter?” Jura asked. All council members immediately turned their gaze to Aidan in anticipation of his answer.
      Was Jura trying to genuinely involve Aidan in the conversation or was it to make him look stupid?

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