Ever since that day she had been trained by the Tao family she was living with. The monastery was everything to her since that special day. Ever since that day she had been training. Training and again training. Her abilities grew, she was getting really strong. Probably being the strongest and most gifted one of all. Gaining power.

She learned how to use the elements of water, wind and ice. Nobody was faster than her. Nothing was able to handle shuriken and kunai the way SHE did. It wasn't like she was even planning to be a ninja; her parents were non-ninjas themselves...They weren't even living in a ninja ruled village.

But now, her memories faded away with each day she had been at the monastery. Like they absorbed her memories without planning to give them back.

So still; what had she forgotten? There was something she wanted to do. Or was it the fact that she was the tutor of an assassin group which caused her emotions and memories to fade away?

And the years passed. One after the other, so did her memories. And so did her emotions. So did everything she lived for. She had no friends. Actually she was a loner. If she didn’t have her missions, she also would have had nothing to live for since there simply wasn't anything. It was just all about the missions; the orders to fulfill.

She hated anyone who didn't obey what they were ordered to do. There was nothing more important than fulfilling something she had to; anyone whose feelings got into the missions was trash. Simple, weak and useless. There was nothing more important than fulfilling something they had to; yet she got rid of anyone who wasn't able to ignore personal wishes in the group.

Since she was actually the only one who simply hadn't had anything but the missions, there were more problems going, seeing as people were going missing. No one knew that she had gotten rid of them herself. They were only making problems with their emotions. Emotions were NOT needed.

One day appeared where she couldn't bear it anymore; so she decided to become an assassin on her own, without a group that she had to lead. Without dumbasses and weaklings who simply got in her way.
She didn't need anyone who was able to mollycoddle her.

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