She didn't say anything. The whole situation was just plain quizzical. What then, was his real name? Why did she feel this defenselessness towards this man? She needed to find out.

''You've grown Curare. You have surely become a beautiful and strong woman. I've seen you train'' he said and brushed a strand of her black hair behind her ear as he looked into her black eyes. It reminded her of the Icha-Icha-Paradise story she had read earlier.

But what was this? Why was he doing that? Who was he to say such things? He didn't know her. She didn't know him although she felt like she did. But it wasn't a positive meeting when she did. But did she know him?

''Don't touch me.'' She said calm and pushed him away so he wouldn't be so close. She didn't like those things. There were other things she liked more. Things that counted; things that were apparent. Things that existed.
Jewelry was something that existed for example - but did emotions? NO!

''The last time I saw you directly in front of me, you weren't that tough'' he said and stepped forward again; teasing her with the things he did. Did he want a fight? She surely was capable of fighting. But hold on. The last time?
When should that have been?

''You are questioning when, right Curare? The last time… when… you cried and was scared'' he stepped closer, not breaking his speech. ‘‘When you were sobbing and pleading to be left alone and let your parents live'' he simply said as if there wasn't anything bad about it. Her eyes widened. For some reason she felt something weird in the area of her chest. What was that? Was it pain? If so… Why?

“Why did he kill her parents?” She asked herself.

He then grabbed her hands, walking her against the door dominantly and pinning her hands above her head, looking into her black eyes deeply. She wanted to push him away; but he was stronger. He didn't let go of her. But beside the fact that he was just so strong; she wanted to know what he might do. What he might say.

''What’s your name?'' she asked totally off topic. He looked at her, emotionlessly with a slight pause.

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