''So it was all in vain'' she said and looked away, her eye lids were heavy; constricting. Her face expression was apathetic as always. No one was able to love her. And she couldn't love either.

''Why didn't you fulfill the rest of your job? You could have just killed m- '' but Madara interrupted her while he shook her severely and clenched his teeth which made her shut her eye lids, open widely again to look at him.

''NEVER ever say that again'' he said as his face came closer to look into her eyes deeply, showing his angry face. Why did he care? It's not like she meant anything to him... and vice versa.

But in fact, quite the reverse was true… and he showed her.

''You've become… very… very… tempting'' he said as he brushed her cheek. She looked at him and wondered if that what he said was even true. Yet she hadn't had the chance to experience the true meaning of emotions. What if he was just lying?

''Have I...'' she stated and he nodded as his face leaned closer...

...and kissed her neck slow and slightly. She remained calm and something felt odd again. She could feel a shiver running down her spine, throughout her whole body. She was getting goose bumps right now. And decided on doing something;

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