It's not like I'm playing a game ore something
I just tried to help you living with hope

How could I know it was wrong
How could I know you would hate me
How could I know you couldn't see it like that

It feels like I'm drowning
But I stil got breath

You couldn't see I tried to help you
You couldn't see I never loved you that way
You couldn't see it like that

I'm to deep under to swim up again
I'm to afraid of what will happen

Why are you blaming me
Why are you saying I can't live without you
Why are you still loving me

Don't pretend you care
-When you don't
Don't pretend your there
-When your so far
Don't love me
-If you don't want to

Never mind if you find someone
Who loves you

I won't forget you
I won't cry
I won't lie

You say you tell me the truth
But your lying

I'll remember your words
When you said I'll always tell you the truth
I'll remember your words
When you said I'll always care

Just stop pretending you care
Just stop pretending you try
Just stop pretending now

Stop say'ing you live your life for me
Stop say'ing you're here for me

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