number 2


I may sound depressed and in your eyes I might even look like that. But if you really wanna help me,, then stop pitying me.

I didn`t hear my mom come home,, and when I hit the alarmclock I wasn`t shure she even came home last night. I looked out the window,, the parkinglot was empty so she was already gone. “great now I don`t even have a ride to school” I know,, I really should stop talking to myself,, but the silence is driving me crazy. I wished I had a new bike. My last one was stolen,, 6 months ago,, and I still didn`t have a new one. The parental figures in this house promissed me to buy me a new one. “like that is ever going to happen” I tell myself sarcastic, “maybe if I`m lucky,, they will buy me a car for my birthday” I start laughing. That should mean that would remember my birthday,, and I don`t see that that is going to happen either. It`s really raining today,, and I`m already gonna be late,, so I decided that I`m not going to school. I`ve a tape with my moms voice,, for sick-calls. She gave that to me when I really was ill,, so that`s been taking care off. I`m laying in bed again,, when I hear a truck comming. That`s an unusual thing. I make myself come out off bed and walk to the window. I see 2 big moving-trucks,, and 5 way-too-expensive cars behind that. The cars really stand out here,, so the people are probably not locals. “stupid rich people” I mumble and go back to bed. Actually I really should eat something,, since I haven`t eaten last night,, but I can`t seem to make myself to get out of bed and make something. “ow well,, who needs foods anyway” i mumble again. I must have felt asleep because I shake-a-wake from a really irritating noise. I know that sound from somewhere,, but I can`t remember from where. O yeah,, it`s the front doorbell. “I`m comming” I shout from up stairs. I open the front door and then I remember I`m just standing in a top,, with fuck the world on it,, and a jogging pants Great like my life doesn`t suck enough. “Hello,, I`m carlisle Cullen and me and my family just moved into town” the blond man tells. “ wow you just moved into hell,, Congratulations” I say sarcastic,, and I slam the door shut. He rings again,, impatiently,, but I walk upstairs again,, right back into bed. The ringing stops again,, and the silence overwhelm me.

now everythings is how it supposed to be. Me,, all alone in this world,, against the rest

Reageer (2)

  • wolfmother

    * I know that sound from somewhere,, but I can`t remember from where. O yeah,, it`s the front doorbell* :D:D

    You slammed the door?
    So, funny!
    Don't wake me up :D It was Carlisle Cullen!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Riddles

    But you...Ö...You slammed the door >.< That was Carlisle Cullen!


    Well, it was again a wonderful part of your story. I like it, I like it, I like it *Hyper-active*

    I'm gonna tell everyone to read your story. No! I'm gonna force them!(duivel)

    A great Bravo!
    This is one of my favorite stories ever
    Please continue writing, Forever!Ö

    1 decennium geleden

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