Foto bij "Dear Diary.." - Niall Horan.


"Dear Diary.." Begon ik en ik kijk je aan en je kijkt terug met je mooie, grote bruine kijkers. Een glimlach verschijnt op je gezicht en het liefste wil ik je nu tegen me aan drukken. Maar dat kan niet, dat zou het moment verpesten. Ik schaap mijn keel en lees verder. "You wouldn't believe what happend today. I met this girl, sweet as can be and beautiful like the moon. No, more beautiful. She was stunning.
She was sitting on a bench in Hyde Park. The same bench where I used to sit everyday, writing songs." Zacht gelach komt uit de zaal waar je verjaardag in wordt geviert en ik kijk waar het vandaan komt. De jongens, alle vier, zitten vooraan en steken hun duim op. Ik glimlach naar ze en lees verder. "Slowly I walked towards her and asked if it wasn't a problem to take the seat next to her. She looked up and then I saw the most beautiful eyes in the world. I couldn't speak couldn't move. My whole body was frozen by her eyes. Just her eyes. 'Ofcourse.' she replied. She grabbed her bag and made space for me. I thanked her and took place next to her." Een zachte grinnik komt uit je keel waar door ik op kijk. "I remember that." lach je waardoor ik automatisch ook lach. En met die lach stuur je me aan om door te lezen. Voor de tweede keer schaap ik mijn keel en lees verder. "There was a silence, a nice one. Neither of us wanted to say something and we both stared at a squirrel who played with a nut. 'Isn't it cute?' she aked and she looked at me. 'The squirrel. Isn't it cute?' I nodded and a smile appeared on my face. 'But you're cuter.' I replied and I hated myself for saying that. She chuckled and looked down. 'You, Niall, are cuter.' she replied and I looked at her, with a asking frown on my face. 'How do you-.' I started and she interrupted me. 'Next to the fact that I'm a fan of yours, I kinda follow you. You sit here, everyday. Writing songs and talking to old ladies.' I frowned even more and asked here why she did that. 'I fancy you Niall. Like you fancy me. I can tell that from the way you look at me.' My mounth dropped and again I couldn't say a word." Ik klap het boekje dicht, leg het naast me neer en pak je handen. "And from that day I knew you were the one I'd want to spent my life with so Isabella. I'm asking you again but in a different way." Ik knielde neer, haar handen nog steeds vast houden. "Sweet Isabella. Do you wanna marry me?"

Reageer (1)

  • JohnSmith

    moooooooi wil snel meeeeer!!!! egt superrr(H)(H)(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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