Foto bij Preface.

Introduction about the story in a video,
Made by MissMalikson (:


Although I knew nothing is forever, I wish this time it could be different. That we would stay together, for always, forever.

‘I don’t want to go away.’ I whispered slowly against his chest. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye, down to my cheek and ended on his shirt.
‘I don’t want you to leave either.’ He responded. ‘But I guess we don’t have a choice.’ Several tears were streaming down my face as he pressed his lips softly on my forehead. He took my hand and I looked in his beautiful eyes which I love so much.
I really didn’t want to leave. The chances that I would see Harry again were so… I don’t even wanna think of it. I would never, ever see him again.
Harry pushed me a bit away from and took my face between his hands. With his thumbs he wiped away my tears, but they wouldn’t stop coming. I saw the moisture coming in his eyes. We stood there for a couple of minutes, just staring at each other, crying together.
‘I promise you, this won’t be the end. In the time since we met, you became more special to me than anyone else in the world. Than anyone else will ever be for me. I will not let you go, that’s one thing I’ll promise to you.’ He whispered, while the tears kept streaming down my face and the tears came out of his eyes too. I touched his lips with my fingertips and wiped his tears softly away.
A little smile appeared on my face. I would never, ever forget him. I laid my hand on his cheek for the last time as he closed his eyes.
‘I’ll miss you so bad.’ I said before my hand dropped down. My mother was screaming my name. It was time. Time to go home. Time to let this all behind me. Let Harry behind me. A lump came in my throat while even more tears came out of my eyes.
‘I love you Brooke. And I’ll never, ever, ever forget you.’ His voice was shaking. He came closer and our lips met for the very last time. I closed my eyes and Kissed him back with all the passion I had. Was this really the end? Slowly I let go, pressed my lips against his wet cheek and turned around.
It was time to let Harry go, it was time to move away from the love of my life.

Dus, wij -Ruby en ik- konden het niet laten om de proloog te activeren, soo, here it is! (:
Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment. (:
En trouwens, alleen de proloog is in het Engels.(:
Lots of love, MissMalikson& JHoran.

Reageer (3)

  • Scharry


    1 decennium geleden
  • EstherStyles

    En so sad ):

    1 decennium geleden
  • Clinomania

    Geweldig begin. <3

    1 decennium geleden

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