Foto bij Don´t you dare to take your eyes off...

Standbeelden. Duizenden standbeelden stonden daar achter de deuren. Mooie beelden die eruit zagen als engelen. Dat had ik niet verwacht.

Statues. Lots of statues. Beautifull angels filled the streets. That was not what I expected to see in Paris. Maybe there was an exposition of statues. Or is this the time before the iconoclasm? Never heard of the angels of Paris. It must be a part of past that got lost.
'Don't blink. Blink and you're dead', I heard someone saying. The voice belonged to the man on a screen inside the tardis. The TARDIS must be broken again.
'Oh no, this is not good!', the doctor complained.
I wondered what went wrong. Maybe we did end up in Novembre instead of May. It's cold enough for that mistake.
'Don't turn you back', the computer went on. Strange enough Katie looked like she took it serious. She really did not blink. Her eyes were focused at the statues.
Then I saw that one statue had moved.
'Ohmygosh, they are living statues! It must be the festival of the living statues. I love-'
'They are the weeping angels'
'Yes, yes, I seeeeeeee', I cheered. But I must admit. Those statues are scary realistic. Almost scary enough to make me feel uncomformtable while being soooooo happy.
'Just keep your eyes open. And don't look away, don't blink', Katie commanded.
I knew something was wrong and immediatly shut up.
'Doctor, get us the hell out of here. There are too many'
'I need a save time and place'
'My home in Belgium. It has everything we need', I shouted. I ran towards the center of the TARDIS.
'Where is it. No, Indy, watch the angels!', the doctor yelled.
'You watch the angels. I'll take us home', I decided.
I pushed some buttons and made the TARDIS fastforward. Maybe he screamed 'no', but the noise the TARDIS started to make was too loud to be sure.
Perhaps it wasn't obvious, but it worked. The TARDIS did the right thing, I could feel it. Blood inside my veins told me. Timelordblood. And it was boiling.
With the speed of the TARDIS we reached my home. (Well, the speed wasn't much if you relise that we did over 100 years to get fom Paris to Antwerpen... but it felt superfast.) Immediatly the doors opened. The TARDIS had been placed precisely in a corner of the room.
Satisfied by my TARDIS-knowlegde I smiled. The Doctor couldn't have done better.
'We're save now', Katie said dertermined. It looked save indeed. First some food. I was starving.


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