
I hear my mother screaming. It's weird. Her voice sounds like it's coming from a distance while I'm pretty sure she was standing next
to me a second ago. Was that a second ago? I don't hear her now. Where is she? Where is everybody? The total silence makes more noise
than a room full of voices. Where am I? All I can see is darkness with constant flashes. White. and colored. My head hurts. It feels like it's burning.
What happened? How did I end up here? I try to move my leg but it doesn't work. Where is it anyway, I can't feel it.
Now that I think of it; I don't feel my body at all. I feel a panicky ticklish in my stomach. this is bad news. and. where. the. fuck. is. everybody?
I hear the sound of a door. At least; I think it is. I don't even know anymore. Why can't I recognize that sound? Someone says something in a soft voice.
I try to open my mouth to answer, tell them that I can't hear it but it's no use. My lips can't be moved, I have no control. 'Ssssh', the person says. 'We'll talk later'.
Before I have the time to think about this I feel a mean injection. My head gets really heavy and once again I drift away into a world of shadows.

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