
Wings are made to fly

Made some saving wings,
Saying to his son:
“Fly away from here,
But don’t fly to the sun.

Please, don’t fly to high,
please, don’t fly to low.
Son just close your eyes,
and then the wind will blow.

Blow you to a place,
Spread your wings and fly.”
Then he spread his wings,
And said his dad goodbye.

He soared to the sun,
Floated through the sky.
He felt like a bird,
But he went much too high.

Didn’t listen to his dad,
Only heard his heart.
Flied away from here,
And landed miles apart.

Leuk, simpel gedicht dat daadwerkelijk bij het thema past.
Ik heb geen spelfouten of interpunctie fouten ontdekt.
Ik moest enkel de eerste twee regels een paar keer lezen voor ik ze begreep, misschien had je dat wat duidelijker kunnen maken.
Cijfer: 9

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