Foto bij Proloog - Meet Skye Adams.

Hello there, my name is Lucie Adams, but 3 years ago i changed it to Skye so please call me that and forget the other one.
I'm Skye Adams, i'm a 19 year old girl from Nottingham. And although its my home town, I've been traveling the world for nearly 3 years now.
When i was 16 something bad happened to me, i'm not yet gonna tell you what but you'll find out sooner or later bit by bit, and since then i couldn't really stay in one place for a really long time. Not that i didn't wanna, but i just couldn't.
I've been all over this world from Japan till New York, from the most norther tip of Norway till the most southern tip of Africa.
Everywhere i've been i got a little tattoo, so you can say i have quite a collection. Some of them with a little more meaning to them then others, but they're all a part of my lives journey so far.
And now i'm back in England, London to be precise. I've met up with a friend, not just a friend, but my best friend in the whole world. Her name is Lauren, Lauren Purdy. She needed my help.
So this is where i'll begin my story..

Reageer (5)

  • Czerny

    Is de hele story engels? wel awesome stukje!;)

    1 decennium geleden
  • crazycatlady

    Ik ben echt benieuwd(: Is dit het verhaal wat je voor school moest schrijven?(: xxx

    1 decennium geleden
  • Lugano

    Abo :p
    In mijn verhaal heet de hoofdpersoon ook Skye,, maar dta maakt me echt een reet uit hoor :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Aplin

    Sounds great. Oeh, en je begint op mijn verjaardag, nice. ^^

    1 decennium geleden

    Awesome boo ! X

    1 decennium geleden

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