Foto bij Part 4.

Dit is een lang hoofdstukje! Er komen nog wat langere hoofdstukjes. De personages die hier in zullen voorkomen buiten 1D zijn meisjes die ik via twitter ken(de). Ik had hun namelijk die rollen gegeven dus er komen nog meer nieuwe mensen in voor. Oh en de andere jongens komen er later in voor, na bootcamp :)

I heard a noise I hated a lot. NOOO, it was my alarm! I had an hour and a half to get ready for school. I jumped out of my bed and on my way to the bathroom I heard Harry sing: " That's what I go to school for.."
He screamed like a girl when I got in. His hair was wet and he only had a towel around his waist. "Next time, you better lock the door, turtle!" I laughed. "Talking about a turtle… have you fed Fra?" He asked. "No, I'm doing it when I'm done here." I started to brush my teeth and to wash myself with a washcloth. Harry was putting his clothes on. When he was ready, I saw that he had a purple Jack Wills T-shirt on with a grey jeans. He also wore black Allstars. I was wearing a T-shirt with green and grey stripes. I also wore a black skinny with black Allstars. I combed my hair a bit but not much because when I comb every single hair it looks like a volcano! All my curls are gone then. I went in my room and put a noteblock and my pencase in my schoolbag. When I was ready I took a huge carrot for Fra. He was an omnivorous turtle, he ate everything. Harry bought him for me last year on my birthday. We both loved turtles. I called him Fra as an honor to Harry. Fra is my shorter form for the Italian word 'fratello' which means 'brother'. Fra seemed very happy with the carrot. I refreshed his little house a bit. Hazza smiled when he saw me with Fra in my hands. "Ya ready to go?" I asked. "Yes, let's goooo!" He sang. I put Fra back where he belonged and went after Harry. We took our bike to ride to school. We had 15 minutes to get there. In school we went separated ways because Harry searched his and my class at the same time. I didn't want to do it because I would get lost in a minute. The weather was nice and I sat on a bench waiting for Harry to bring me to my class. I took my phone out of my bag and I put my earphones in my ears. I started to listen to some music. No one was around at the moment so I started to sing out loud: "What you got boy is hard to find. I think about it all the time. I'm all strung up my heart is fried. I just can't get you off my mind."
But out of nowhere I heard someone sing: "Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug." I looked up when I saw a pair of sneakers. Then I saw these gorgeous blue eyes and the blond hair. "Heeyy!" He said with a huge smile on his face. "Hi!" I replied. "So you're going at this school?"
"Yeah I am and my brother too."
"Nice, so I might see you every second of the day?"
"Only at school or maybe also in spare time. But is that a problem?"
"No, I like talking to you." He smiled.
His eyes were so blue at the moment that I really wanted to swim in them. But it would be embarrassing If I asked him -May I dive in your eyes? They look like the ocean.-
I blushed and said: "I like talking to you too." His smile was brighter. I heard the school bell and put my phone in my bag. I was wondering where Harry was and got up. I was standing in front of Niall, also wondering where his girlfriend was. Maybe she wasn't on this school. He looked at me, at what I was doing. I checked if my schoolbag was closed then I looked at him. I smiled and gave him a bearhug. He held me very tight. "See you later?" I asked. "Sure, enjoy your first day!"
I thanked him and went searching for Harry. When I opened the door, he was standing there giggling. "What are you laughing at? I hope you know where my class is?!" I was searching some people who were my age in case Harry didn't know where to go. "I saw you with Niall." He smiled. "Where's my class? Harry, we're going to be so late!"
"Arghh, don't ignore me! Your damn class is right here!"
"Ow… thank you!" I said giving him a kiss on his cheek. I walked inside and the teacher stopped me. "You're Melissa, the new kid?" He asked. "Yes." I replied.
"Welcome, I'm Mr. Earth and you're in geography class now. You can sit over there if you want." -The name fits perfectly- I thought by myself. I sat on a table next to another table where no one was sitting. I saw a girl walk in who was very short, had medium length golden hair. She sat next to me and said with these blue/green eyes "Hi, I'm Katy! You're new here?"
"Yes and I'm Melissa."
"Nice to meet you!"
She seemed like a hyper kid. She was smiling all the way. During geography she talked a lot but I didn't mind because the lesson was BOORRIINGG! "You have to work in pairs for making the world globe. The best one gets a price." Mr. Earth said. "Uhm what world globe is Mr. Earth talking about?" I whispered. "We have to make a world globe of paper or plastic or…" Katy said.
"For in his classroom."
"Oh, who are you working with?"
"Nobody, you want to work with me?"
I nodded because she was the only person I knew right now. "Okay are we making it at my house or at yours?" she asked. "Mine?" I didn't think mom or dad had the time to drive me to her if she lived far away. "Okay good!" She was planning some things and she asked my address. But my mind was totally not in this lesson. I was thinking about Niall. His girlfriend has to be somewhere around here. The second lesson was about to start and I saw a girl walk in. I looked at her and I knew who she was. She was Niall's girl. No wonder she wasn't with him, she was late for some reason. I tried to listen but Katy kept on planning about that globe. I liked Katy but I didn't feel like listening to her at the moment. Another teacher walked in and she saw me: "You're Melissa, right? Do you want to come in front of the class and tell something about you?"
I had a mini heart-attack at the moment. I stood up and I felt my legs shake. What was I supposed to say? All these eyes were staring at me and I felt like fainting.

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