Foto bij Part 9.

Woahh! Dit is een superlang hoofdstukje! Have fun ;)

We were about to go home when I asked Harry: "Have you texted Katy, yet?"
He looked at me with a scared face: " I don't have her number! Can you give it to me?"
"Harry, I don't have it either." We turned around to ask Niall who was walking behind us. He already knew what we were going to ask. "Here it is!" He said giving us his phone. "Oh and write your numbers in it too."
I wrote all the girls numbers in my phone and also Niall's and Sean's. Hazza gave me the phone and I wrote my number in it and my name was just Melissa while Harry wrote;
Hazza! (;
I gave it to Niall and he thanked us. Harry was texting Katy now like no tomorrow. Niall was texting with Emma. I texted the girls and Sean this; Heyahh, it's Meli here. So save this number guys xx
I got a reply back from everyone but I didn't feel like texting back at the moment so I decided to text back later. "Is everything solved in your relationship?" I laughed. "Yeah, I asked Emma on a date. We're going to Nandos tomorrow." He smiled. "Good!" I smiled back. I put on my camera on my phone to make a picture of me and Hazza. I just felt like making a picture. He gave me a kiss on my cheek and I was about to take the picture but Niall stopped me. "Let me make that one." I gave him my phone and he took a picture. I liked the result because for once I wasn't that bad on it and my bro was gorgeous as always. "Thank you!" I smiled. "Can I have one with my best friend now?" Niall asked. "Sure!" I said pulling Harry closer to him. He took the phone out of my hands and gave it to Harry. I just stood there thinking they'd take the picture by their selves. "What are you waiting for?" Niall asked. "What am I waiting for? I see you're going to take the picture by yourself." I said confused. "Meli, I'm going to take the picture of you and Niall.." Harry said. I still looked confused. "He meant you, silly!"
"Oh!" I said totally embarrassed. I quickly walked over to Niall and stood there next to him. He put his arm on my shoulder and I put mine around his waist. I smiled because it felt good to stand next to him and I knew right know that I was his best friend. So he wasn't only mine but I was also his. I looked at him to check if he was smiling and yes he was! I looked into the camera. Harry came over to show us the result. To be honest it was a gorgeous one. Niall was so cute and I was.. okay. "Can you send me that one, please?" I asked Niall. "It's on its way!"
We were on the parking right now. "Why don't you two come in our car? So we can chat?" I looked at Harry who nodded and thought it was a great idea. I didn't mind so we all went in Niall's parents car except my mom and dad because they were in theirs. I checked again my texts and felt like texting now.

Katy texted me; Hii, thanks for sending me your number. I forgot to ask last time because of your bro. He has done a great job! I'm so proud of him! Xxx
I texted her back; No problem and yeah I'm also very proud of him can't wait for bootcamp! I hope he gets through and Niall too! Xxx
Emma; Heeyy! How great is that.. Niall is through, your bro is through! Woohoo! Oh and Niall asked me on a date ;D xxx
I texted back; It's awesome!! I know he told me! Are you excited?? Xxx
She texted me quickly back and said: Yeahh I am but I have to find an outfit.. Would you like to go shopping with me, tomorrow? Xxx
Me; Yeah sure! At 2 o'clock in the afternoon?? Xxx
Emma; Sounds perfect! See you tomorrow.. Looking forward to it! Xxx
Me; Yeah! I needed a new dress anyway and me too! Xxx
Ellie texted; Your bro texted me he's through and Niall also! That's so cool and my boyfriend is doing his tomorrow.. I hope he's through so they can meet at boot camp! Xxx
Me; Wow, that would be great wish him good luck. Hehe I know he doesn't know me but it could help! Xxx
Ellie; I'll send that to him thanks! Xxx
Me; No prob and let me know tomorrow! Xxx
Kiera texted; Hiii! Heard the good news! Proud of both of them! What are you doing? Xxxx
Me; Same here and just texting and sitting in the car with Hazza and Niall, You? Xxx
Kiera; Me and Gina are screaming and jumping still because of the message Harry and Niall sent us! We're so happy! Xxxx
Me; Haha guys, calm down ;p Me too I cried like crazy! Xxx
Sean; Heard the good news! Me and Sophie (she's next to me) already texted the news to some cousins. Niall doesn't have to do this anymore haha. Congrats for them! X
Me; Haha, good! I cried and all. So many emotions! x

I was still texting with everyone and a bit later we finally got home. I was so tired that I put on my pajama and went to the balcony to take some fresh air. Well my pajama was actually a giant T-shirt of Harry and just a pair of grey shorts. I was walking on my socks and it wasn't cold outside. It was a bit windy but it wasn't a cold wind. I was looking at the stars and heard someone next to me say.: "It's a beautiful night." There was a thrill going through my body. I didn't expect Niall to live next to me but I remembered the words Harry said. He told me we were neighbors. Oh damn he saw me in my weird pajama. I was looking at him and smiled. "You look cute." He said. I was looking at my clothes and said: "Well thank you." I saw that he had no T-shirt on and he was only in a Pokémon boxer short. "Your boxer short looks cute." I laughed. His body was quite fit. Gosh he was gorgeous! We chatted a bit under the moon light and I knew Harry wasn't going to bother us because he was showering. I felt a vibration in my pocket. I took my phone and it was a message from my best friend who knew about Harry too. I smiled and Niall asked: "What are you smiling at?" When I looked up he suddenly stole my phone and turned his back to me. "HEY GIVE MY PHONE BACK, WILL YOU??!" I shouted.
"Don't you trust me then?" He said with a sad look on his face. "I do but you don't trust me!" I said.
"I do trust you!"
"Then why don't you give me your phone?"
"So you want this one?" He took it out of his pocket and held it high enough so I couldn't reach it. I approached him and was ready for revenge. Our faces were really close and it seemed like I was going to kiss him. He stopped with what he was doing and I saw that he didn't know how to act. I took advantage of it and took his phone because mine was behind his back. "Got ya, turtle!" I laughed evilly. I unblocked his phone and saw our picture… The words who were written under it were; best friends <3 I looked at him and saw him blush a bit. I couldn't help but smile. He was looking at my phone and saw the message. "From who is it?"
"My be.." I stopped.
"Your be…"
"My best friend from Belgium."
"Listen, I meant what I said about the best friend thing. For me you are that!"
"Niall, you are my best ‘guy’ friend since the first day I met you. I didn't know I was the same for you that's the reason why I looked confused." I said looking down, biting my lip. He held my chin between his thumb and forefinger. I saw his eyes sparkle under the moonlight. "So it's confessed now?" He smiled looking in my eyes. "Yes, sir! I mean.. Mr. Horan."
"From where do you know my second name?" He laughed. "X-factor." I smiled. I heard the noise of a door and I knew it was from the bathroom. "Well, I think I better go to sleep now." I said looking at the sky. "Oh really, why? I don't feel like sleeping."
"Harry is done with showering and he's going to walk in my room to see if I'm asleep."
"Aha, I get it. So you don't want him to see that we’re talking?"
"No, it's just.. I'm very tired and I don't want him to go crazy and keep me awake all night. Sometimes he has those things after so much of stressing."
"Yeah that's just Harry, I think. Well, greet him, okay?"
"I will!" I laughed. He took my hand and pulled me closer to him. Our balcony distance wasn't that much, so it was perfect for a hug. But he didn't give me one. He gave me a goodnight kiss instead. I felt his lips softly giving my cheek a kiss. "Goodnight darling!" He sang in an opera voice. "Sweet dreams, Nialler!" I laughed. I closed the window and I fell on my bed. I covered myself with a blanket and closed my eyes. I heard someone open the door and walk over to my bed. I pretended to sleep. I felt Harry's lips on my cheek and he whispered the words: "Goodnight, best sister in the world." I heard the door close again and felt a vibration in my pocket. But I also noticed that it wasn't my phone but Niall's….

Reageer (1)

  • Joleneee

    supergoeeeed, ga snel verderrr!

    1 decennium geleden

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