Foto bij Part 11.

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"Hi!" I heard Niall say. I didn't want to look so I pretended to text. I hoped that Emma wouldn't go to him and kiss him or stuff because of our fight. But she didn't. She just smiled at him and said: "See you later, babe!" His eyes were burning on my back. I could feel it but I still didn't look at him. I was afraid and anyways he was only talking to Emma. "Let's go!" She said to me getting in the car. We sat behind and I guess her mom was driving us to the shopping center. Half an hour passed when we finally arrived. I've never seen the shopping center before. It was quite big but I wasn't fascinated. At my old hometown there was an outlet shopping, much bigger. Anyways I really needed some clothes and I don't know how Harry did it to let me wear these heels. Luckily Emma was also wearing a pair of heels. Hers were black and really pretty. I could totally understand why Niall loved her. Everybody was so gorgeous except me. I had to be happy that they even wanted to hang out with me. The 1st shop we got into was a clothing shop. There were very nice dresses. She picked some dresses and I just stood there staring at all the skinny models around here. "C'mon, choose something!" Emma said. It seemed like I had just woken up. "I..I… there's…" I tried. "Try this one on!" she smiled showing one of the dresses. I took it and on my way to the changing rooms I saw a blue dress. Blue is my favorite color and I was sold. I took it with me and went in the changing room to put it on. Emma got first out, she looked beautiful. I opened the curtain a bit just to check if there were many people. I was quite shy at these moments. I thought the dress was okay but I was afraid of all these people with dirty looks on their faces. The dress Emma gave me was a flower dress. She had also one but a darker color than mine. "What do you think?" She asked. "Let me see yours! C'mon!" She continued. I came slowly out of the changing room and said "You look great!"
"So do you!" She smiled bright. "Really?" I said looking in the mirror.
I got back in and tried the other dress, so did Emma. This time I was first out. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was speechless. The dress was so beautiful. Emma came out and was standing next to me now. "You're pretty." She said. I was about to argue with her when a boy with a little mohawk, dark black hair and big blue eyes interrupted us. "Hey there ladies." His eyes were checking my body. I felt very uncomfortable. "You look beautiful." He said looking in my eyes. Emma grinned and lifted her eyebrows up at me. "Thank you." I blushed. "I'm Nick btw." He smiled. "What are you trying to do, dude?" Emma laughed and hugged him. "I want to meet some new people and old friends. So what's your friend's name?" I noticed his British/American mixed accent. This guy was really cute, he had a bit curly hair which reminded me of Harry's hair after a shower.
"This is Melissa.." she said. "But you can call her Meli!"
"Do you know each other?" I asked confused. "Yeah, he's my best friend." She smiled.
Talking about best friends brought me back to Niall. I felt like running away but I just stood there hoping someone would turn back the time. My thoughts were interrupted by a phone. "Sorry, I have to go. Nice to meet you.. Meli." He blushed a bit which made me giggle.
He was gone.
"I think he likes you."
"Why do you think that?" I laughed. "I know him and he couldn't get his eyes off of you! You definitely have to buy this dress!"
"Yeah, I'm going to buy it.."
"But try some others on over there!"

After some other dresses we went to the shoes shop. We were searching some heels for under the dresses. There were some nice ones but I didn't want any high heels, just normal length. "I'll be right back." I said going to the other side of the shop. I saw the shoes and I automatically smiled. It were my favorite . It were Allstars! I was freaking out inside. It didn't take long before I found some cool ones. I took them with me and went back to Emma. She seemed not to know which one to take. After a bit of shopping again we sat on a bench and ate an ice-cream. The weather was beautiful today. "You know.." Emma said. I shook my head and said: "No, what?"
"I'm glad you're here. Niall really needed a friend like you."
I was surprised. "What do you mean?"
"He can't tell everything to his girlfriend. I mean I also have a best friend and when some things go wrong between me and Niall, he's there for me. He's a boy so he understands better how Niall feels. I'm glad Niall has a friend who isn't a boy but a girl this time. So you would understand me better because you’re a girl." She laughed
"But there are also the other girls like Sophie, Katy, Kiera, Ellie & Gina." I said. "I know but no one of them is so different like you."
"You mean the other girls are the same?" I said confused.
"No, not at all, they all have different and great personalities and I'm sure Niall loves them just the way they are. But you're different also in a good way. You're not from here, totally new, you're used to different things which also have an effect. Niall just thought he could be closer with you. He likes to meet new people and there you are, being his best friend." She smiled. I sighed and stared at the ground.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm in a fight with him, Emma, I'm not that friend he expected or wanted me to be." I felt like crying.
"Best friends do fight! He won't let you go!"
"Did he tell you this? I mean I actually thought you were going to hate me because I'm hanging out with your boyfriend. Well.. I WAS hanging out with him."
"No, what? Never! He accepted that I had a best friend and I totally accept that you're his new best friend."
"Really? But who was his best friend before me?"
"Well he never thought about that till he met you."
I didn't know what to say anymore so I just smiled. Emma looked at her watch: "Oh gosh, it's so late! Can I dress up at your house? I won't make it otherwise!"
"Sure, you can!"

After 15 minutes we were at my house. We got in and Harry was watching TV . "Hi, gurlies!"
"No time now!" I shouted. I took Emma by her arm and ran upstairs. She took her clothes and dressed up as fast as she could. "I'm going to get some mascara, okay?" I said. "Yes, do that!" She adjusted her hair a bit. I came back. "May I do that?"
"Sure!" She said.
I put on the mascara, trying hard not to leave some mascara next to her eyelashes. I noticed her blue eyes which reminded me of Niall. "You have beautiful eyes." I smiled closing the little mascara bottle. "Thank you." she bit on her lip looking at her new shoes.
She was wearing the flower dress she bought in the first shop. It was gorgeous and also with the black pumps she bought in the shoe shop.
"Am I ready?"
"Yes, you look perfect!" I laughed.
She was stressing so much that it made me laugh. I looked at my alarm clock, she still had 5 minutes. "Wait a minute, wasn't he going to pick you up at home?" I asked.
"No, I texted him I was at yours so I'll walk outside and I will find him there. If he's ready!"
"Oh okay, don't forget your bag!" I said pointing to a new one she also bought today.
"Now go, girl! Have the time of your life!" I laughed. She laughed and said: "Thank you! Are you coming with me to the door?" I nodded.
I opened the door for her and she gave me a big hug. "Thanks again, my darling! I really enjoyed this day!" I hugged her back and said: "No problem, thank you too for my new clothes I got now!" I laughed. Niall was standing there looking at us. He was checking Emma out from top to toe and it seemed like he liked what she was wearing. She went towards Niall after she waved one last time at me. I waved back but then me and Niall had eye contact. I didn't want to be angry anymore so I smiled and gave him the thumbs up. He smiled back. I could tell it was a real smile! We both knew now we weren't fighting anymore. I could walk in with no worries.

"So between you and Niall.." Hazza said. "We're not fighting anymore." I smiled, closing the door. I watched a bit TV with Hazza and then I went upstairs to get ready. I was so tired! There was a little light in my room. I opened the balcony door and saw the beautiful sky. I looked to my right. There was no Niall. I suddenly felt so alone. I actually enjoyed yesterday evening but he was having a better time with Emma now. They were so lucky. I breathed the fresh air in and went to bed. I couldn't fall asleep. I heard a vibration. It was my phone and it read;
I opened it and there was a smile on my face. My best friend Anne asked me how I was and I answered as fast as I could. Looking at her picture brought a tear to my eye but when time passed.. I finally fell asleep.

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