• Ik kwam net een super droge site tegen die namen maakt voor je,
    bij mij kwam er dit uit:

    Your movie star name: Crisps Arnold
    Your fashion designer name is Simone Paris
    Your socialite name is Damoontje Hollywood
    Your fly girl / guy name is S Van
    Your detective name is Cat Dubloen
    Your barfly name is Toblerone None
    Your soap opera name is Reaal
    Your rock star name is Drop Airplane
    Your Star Wars name is Simchi Vannon
    Your punk rock band name is The Bored Candle

    Vooral die laatste vind ik wel leuk :Y)
    De site Wel antwoorden in het Engels! Dan krijg je de leukste/beste uitkomsten & als je eits niet hebt zet je gewoon none neer ;p
    Wat kwam er bij jullie uit? ;]

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juli 2011 - 20:08 ]

    In the end the only person we love is ourselves, that's why we choose to love someone who can please us the most.

    Barbiedoll schreef:
    Te belachelijk om hier neer te zetten haha! (joehoe)

    "You'll stay with me?" "Until the very end."

    Your movie star name: Chocolate Alle
    Your fashion designer name is Sarah London
    Your socialite name is Saartje Hollywood
    Your fly girl / guy name is S Lak
    Your detective name is Horse Zuideinde
    Your barfly name is Cookie Breezer
    Your soap opera name is Linette Oldenhof
    Your rock star name is Lollipops Airplane
    Your Star Wars name is Sarthe Lakjes
    Your punk rock band name is The Crazy Monster

    Hoe weet dat ding dat op school mijn inlognaam slakke is, en dat ik daardoor altijd slak wordt genoemd? (hoewel hij er wel een spatie tussenzet, maarja ;p)

    Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.

    Your movie star name: Papat Ben

    Your fashion designer name is Kaniesha Amsterdam

    Your socialite name is Oor Rotterdam

    Your fly girl / guy name is K Ben

    Your detective name is Dog Citaverde

    Your barfly name is Frinkendel Cocktail

    Your soap opera name is Anna Vennusstraat

    Your rock star name is Lolly Car

    Your Star Wars name is Kanchi Benste

    Your punk rock band name is The Sleepy Dildo


    And remember that, in a world of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.

    Your movie star name: Winegums Theo
    Your fashion designer name is Emmi Holland
    Your socialite name is Bucket Paris
    Your fly girl / guy name is E May
    Your detective name is Fish Maerlant
    Your barfly name is Cookies Bacardi - whut.
    Your soap opera name is Miriam The Hague
    Your rock star name is Hopjes Snake
    Your Star Wars name is Emmmar Maydaa
    Your punk rock band name is The Bored Bodylotion

    I hope heaven needs you more than I do now.

    Your rock star name is Ropes UFO
    Your punk rock band name is The Tired Fork

    Dat zijn de enige toonbare

    So here's a heart to heart on the back of postcards sent from California

    mijn rock band name is the bored me xd

    Save me from myself.