• Sarah -CarrotKing- is 12 en wordt 13 op 5mei. Belg
    Melissa -Yail- is 14 en wordt 15 op 22 januari. Belg
    Famke -PausMouseCS- is 15 en wordt 16 op 2 februari. Belg
    Lisette -Proxime- is 14 en wordt 15 op 11 december. Nederlander
    Lisanne -Clint- is 13 en wordt 14 op 1 februari. Nederlander
    Lieke -Script- is 15 en wordt 16 op 8 maart. Nederlander
    Nikki -MalikShake- is 17 en wordt 18 op 3november. Nederlander
    Mara -WhiteLips- is 15 en wordt 16 op 29 mei. Nederlander
    Beaudine -Jev- is 16 en wordt 17 op 2 mei. Nederlander
    Joëlla -LukeBrooks- is 16 en wordt 17 op 22 september. Nederlander

    WIJ ZIJN AWESOME. Kom erbij, we houden van nieuwe mensen. (wbw)

    Mara: 16/07-24/07 + 9/08-18/08
    Melissa: 19/07-27/07
    Lisanne: 10/07-21/07
    Lisette: 21/07-10/08
    Lieke: 20/07-05/08.
    Nikki: 05/07-23/07.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 mei 2012 - 19:43 ]

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Sarah en Joëlla wanneer zijn jullie op vakantie? Ga ik het even aanpassen c: .

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Script schreef:

    Wel. Ik wil gewoon dat het goed gaat komen. Ik vind het niet leuk als je -je zo voelt.

    I don't think it will, because it's something that wrong with me that causes trouble. Don't be sad, sweetie.

    Then I defy thee, stars. Romeo Montague

    YEAH I'm alive.

    Some things are changing too much.

    Script schreef:
    Sarah en Joëlla wanneer zijn jullie op vakantie? Ga ik het even aanpassen c: .

    Ich habe keine anung.
    I'm sorry

    Some things are changing too much.

    LukeBrooks schreef:
    YEAH I'm alive.

    Why are you so happy? c:

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you


    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran

    Script schreef:

    Why are you so happy? c:

    Yeah, tell us ^.^

    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran

    LukeBrooks schreef:
    Ich habe keine anung.
    I'm sorry

    Niet erg hoor, nhihi.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Thanks to my tv.

    But now i'm sad again ):

    Some things are changing too much.

    Jev schreef:

    I don't think it will, because it's something that wrong with me that causes trouble. Don't be sad, sweetie.

    No there's nothing wrong with you. Er is iets los in die rotkoppen bij die leraren van je. Als jij het ook niet bent.

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    LukeBrooks schreef:
    Thanks to my tv.

    But now i'm sad again ):

    Wat is er aan de hand. :cc

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    Script schreef:

    No there's nothing wrong with you. Er is iets los in die rotkoppen bij die leraren van je. Als jij het ook niet bent.

    I know it's me, but nobody understands.

    Then I defy thee, stars. Romeo Montague

    Jev schreef:

    I know it's me, but nobody understands.

    Don't be sad :c
    You're awesome and you're just a great, sweet person! (:
    I really mean that.

    "The worst things in life come free to us." -Ed Sheeran

    Jev schreef:

    I know it's me, but nobody understands.

    Nee jij bent het niet. Daar ben ik van overtuigt. Jij bent geweldig. (bloos)

    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you

    MalikShake schreef:
    Don't be sad :c
    You're awesome and you're just a great, sweet person! (:
    I really mean that.


    stay safe because I like being alive at the same time as you