• Halloooo,
    Ik vroeg me af; Welke nederlandse bandjes vinden jullie leuk?
    Hoeft dus niet nederlandstalig te zijn :Y)


    Nicholas schreef:

    oooh wacht, De Staat is nog wel chill _O_

    As travars

    Within Temptation, Di-rect, Destine, Heidevolk, Kingfisher Sky, Magion, Bløf(soms), Krezip, en dat was het wel zo'n beetje...

    Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.

    Oeeh ik wist dus echt neit dat MakeBelieve Nl was:$
    Leuke bandjes zijn Destine and MakeBelieve:d

    Learn who you are before someone tells you who you should be.

    Within Temptation & blof.

    And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world.

    Valerius! :9~
    -diehard fan (A)-

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 maart 2011 - 17:38 ]

    dream, dare, fly!

    Uhm, weet ik niet x)

    This is the part of me, that you're never ever gonna take away from me.

    Destine, MakeBelieve, Kensington, Go Back To The Zoo, Blof, Valerius, Di-rect, Within Temptation. Eigenlijk best veel. (:

    SSSoep schreef:
    k3 rockz. (nerd) neejoh. x'D idk.

    Kill them with kindness.

    Kensington FTW :9~:9~:9~:9~:9~:9~:9~
    Oh wacht, hebben ook nog; Acda en de Munnik, Kensington, Destine, Kensington, MakeBelieve, Kensington, Veldhuis en Kemper, Kensington, Valerius, Kensington, Within Temptation, Kensington, Go back to the Zoo

    Zei iemand daar nou Only Seven Left?
    Oke dan is het goed (cat)

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 maart 2011 - 19:09 ]

    Alcohol is for people who can afford to lose some braincells

    Go back to the zoo!

    You're a lover of the wild and a joker of the heart, but are you mine?


    Jurk! :''D

    Goede Doel en Doe Maar(cool)

    *klop klop* Penny! *klop klop* Penny! * klop klop* Penny!

    Monks Avenue, no doubt _O_

    ars moriendi