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somewhere on earth.




Hi, mijn naam is Daan.
Ik ben een guy directioner, so what? thumbs up, ik ben straight en One Direction is gewoon mijn gay crush. Yup, i love their music. Reclame en reacties in mijn gastenboek zijn toegestaan, i love to talk to directioners.
Ik doe 4 vwo, so i'm a smart badass. onedizzlex is mijn quizlet buddie.

bye bye.

life is too short to be organised. //

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

6 uur 24 minuten

2559 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (124)

  • Crazy1DLove

    I'm fine ;)


    1 decennium geleden

    18:00 (heb hwb) maar ik ga lekker eerder weg.. Schijt xD

    Jammer dat je het toch stom vindt want anders had ik jou mijne laten maken *wrijft evil in handen* oke nee seriously! Zoiets zou ik nooit doen xD that's just mean..


    1 decennium geleden
  • WhereWeAre

    omg you're crazy!
    Like seriously, when you make a twitteracount your icon is an egg. But when you change it it'll take a while before you can actually see it. Guess that girl saw it sooner than you did :P
    Do you still have that tweet or did you delete it?
    'Cause I would like really want to see it 'cause then I would laugh so hard. Seriously, I would. Laughing you in the face.

    But when I made twitter icons were clowns. So I was a clown and that was really weird. Like WTF a clown? WHY?

    Anyways, I did not die today, as you already noticed I guess.. 'cause if I did, I wouldn't be typing the message. You know..
    It turned out I wasn't the only one that hadn't done it, so know I have to do it for tomorrow.. Bummer

    You like the word 'Bummer'?
    I do :)

    Oh and I do love the book. Rightnow I'm at Liam's part. (Already read Harry's part)

    Thank you for the good luck.
    Guess you also need it, don't you?
    You're still at vwo.. I'm not.
    I have this times at school when I'm like, What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm so bored.. And the teacher won't let you do something just for yourself.
    Teachers again.. They're not very nice.
    Just like my mentor.. He seriously is a creep.
    He wants three girls to come to his house in the evening to talk about the PWS.. Ain't that weird? Like creepy weird? Oh and last year he had a photo of two girls on his background. Doesn't sound really weird, but the creepiest part will come. He wasn't related to these girls.. Like not a father, uncle.. Maybe mentor, but he wasn't.. Like serioulsy, he is a creep.. And now he wants to talk to me about mentor'things'. And I'm like, I ain't telling him anything!!

    Ok, that's a big story.
    Now I'm gonna check out your twitter,

    See yaaa later


    1 decennium geleden
  • liamattack

    Hii. ;dd

    1 decennium geleden

    Jaloersssss *pruillipje*

    Nou.. Ik vindt het dan juist veel saaier.. Ik snap het namelijk bijna altijd maar dan moet j nog duizend keer datzelfde sommetje doen terwijl je het al snapt D:

    1 decennium geleden

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