Midnight, I was walking through the streets of Baltimore and got an evil laugh when I looked to the body I was carrying in my hands. Everyone always said I was a Hippocratic kid and was too naïve to live in the real realistic world. Well, nothing of that was true and I improved that by what I did now. I killed four persons. How completely amazing can you be if you’ve killed four people? Four people which the whole world adored. I killed All Time Low.
Managing my evening, I found out it was the best of my life. First I’ve been to a concert of All Time Low and saw them performing, well who don’t want them to see doing that? And after the concert I had a special ‘Meet and greet’ well for them the last one, they did, actually they already had the last one because they couldn’t finish this one. I was too quick with my killing skills.
After my performance to them, how I can wave with my knife, I wrote down on the mirror of their changing room; “Bye bye All Time Low. <3”
I always wanted to say that. I looked like a nice little child of 14 years old who was a big fan of them. Actually I wasn’t, I’m an evil big kid of 14 years old who was a big fan of them. Until they said they released their new album, Dirty Work, in spring instead of January. The big problem was, I had to find a new birthday present because my birthday is in January. I was so pissed off when I heard that I thought of this wonderful idea. Kill All Time Low and then they would know they couldn’t play with me. Veranika Nazurchuk!
Now I was carrying Jack Barakat to my home, I loved it there. It was the TALBOT house. He was the person who told everyone the excessive news, in an interview. I was so mad on him, you couldn’t think of. I will dig a big space where I can put him in, no one knows what happens at my house, it’s wonderful. The rest of the band I threw of a huge bridge. It’s for always bye bye ATL. O and btw, this is how my Halloween looks like this year, nice to think of a thing for next year.
You can’t play with someone from TALBOT HOUSE,
You see.
School opdracht; Make an Halloween story.

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    Lol xd

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    Nu voel ik me geweldig 8D

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