Well hello, my name is Liesbeth. I'm gonna start a blog. Er. I think you all know what that is. And it may boring. But I think it'll be a relief for me. Cause it'll be sort of a diary. And I need to tell all about my life to someone. Cause it isn't always easy. And I've got no one to talk to 'bout this so... Yeah. :) Not that I haven't got any friends. But I don't want them to think bad things about someone else and it hard for me to tell my feelings...
Anyway, today is day 1 of my blog. I'm not gonna write much today. Because despite the fact that we had 2 days off school (plus: it has been weekend)and even though it's 8.10 pm, I still got a lot work for school. :s
So I'll tell you more about me and my life tomorrow. Sweet dreams.Bye! x.

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