Angels travel hundreds of miles to reach heaven, the earth is living in a life cycle. Soil needs water, water needs plants, plants need animals and back again animals need earth. Human weren't needable, but still they were created. Killers, we all are killers. We all attach to a person, the worst thing in our whole humanlife. Because we all know love kills. I already have token that dangerous risc. Maybe a risc, but it is a good thing. Because you know what they say; "Love is handing someone a gun, knowing he won't pull the trigger". I know you're the one who won't pull it.

Reageer (4)

  • Smoke

    i love you hun. bedankt. x

    1 decennium geleden
  • Pottermore


    1 decennium geleden
  • Smoke

    Wie heeft dit gemaakt?! Wie heeft er ingebroken jkdjkfsdjklfhfds
    Ik hou van je!

    1 decennium geleden
  • LadyMacabre

    So true.

    1 decennium geleden

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