Het is nu twee jaar geleden dat Jasmine You is overleden en dit stond in Kamijo's blog....

I still don't know if it's reality or a dream
Weren't there more things we could do for You-kun?
I repeat that sort of question for myself and I can't do anything but blame myself...

If it seems I'm about to remember something, the first thing that comes is that smile
Above each single memory was that big goodness of character

You-kun would spout out a pun.
and everyone would be silent
for a few seconds before they start giggling.
I loved that warm mood that You-kun would put us in.
You-kun said he would definitely come to the live of my previous band in Nagoya and before we knew it we ended up together. Even when we were forming Versailles, I remember I was itching to quickly invite You-kun into the band because of the goodness of his comfortable personality. I want to hurry and talk together with You-kun about the band. If we are together with You-kun then won't it be more fun? Naturally those feelings never went away and I hurriedly invited You-kun. From then the 3 of us fantasized like everyday.
Originally there was a point where Versailles was to be a band to do together with myself and HIZAKI-kun when it was just starting but if you followed the origin the one who directly met me and HIZAKI-kun by chance was You-kun. You-kun was by no means the type of person to personally take on leadership, however not just us but many people who were captivated by You-kun's personality had gathered. It didn't even matter what kind of strong ally there was within the gentle mood that You-kun created because he lived as someone who you could get melted into his wondrous atmosphere. Having just parted with a band I was doing activity with for many years.You-kun taught me enjoyment once again when I wasn't looking at the future just ahead of me. He brought back my smile. He is like a benefactor.
And as a band member You-kun was just as I had expected a bassist who played the important role of putting together the other members' metal taste and my ballad taste together while at the same time being a good adviser. You-kun never got tired of listening to my song work and conversely there were many times when I would sing and the two of us would decide. Let's do it like this!
A prime example of that was the lyrics from PRINCE I want to convey my grateful feelings... Those were words that You-kun was always saying and sure enough that feeling is something I want to convey to You-kun.

To You-kun
Thank you for choosing us
I firmly believe in the part that you believed in for us
And as a person I loved you more than anything
There are too many words of gratitude that I want to convey but these are the words I want to say the most right now
Everyone loves You-kun

Do you remember the thing the two of us talked about last month?
I'll keep our promise no matter what so sleep without worries ne?
You-kun...sleep well...

I remember thinking about the word, a long time ago
My personal response to that was to only remember good memories
But the time You-kun spent was not all good memories
So it's not farewell
But I can't just cry out everyday like a child from the sorrow and pain
Please give us some time until we can change this sorrow into strength
I really want to appear in front of everyone but right now please let me keep the promise I made with You-kun...


2009-08-26 16:10:35

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