
I've been asked this question :

If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

Well, the answer is easy + it's also easily done. Everyone is able to do the following below.

Helping with big projects :
- Support tree cutting activities in the rain forest.
- Build large factories.
- Encourage nuclear energy.
- Cheer for the war between Pakistan and Iraq.
- Close down animal shelters.
- Give heavy loaded guns to kids.
- Build oil refineries.
- school readings about how healthy fast food is. (If it's yummy, it's healthy in the tummy.)
- Instead of parks, there should be more apartments.

And of course change my everyday lifestyle routine (even though it's just a minor thing, it counts as well) :
- Driving an expensive car that produces a lot of CO2.
- Taking 2 showers a day.
- Not recycling, just put all in one giant plastic bag and burn it in the garden.
- Turn up the temperature of the house, I don't like wearing sweaters.
- Put on the air conditioning during the entire summer when it's too hot.
- Live in a non-isolated house.
- Throw my gum on the pavement and my trash on the street.
- Start smoking.

^ By following and supporting all of the above, global warming will become a global disaster. Not one single living creature will survive the strong environnemt it became. You may say it's a bad thing. But to do something right, we sometimes have to make a sacrifice. Mother earth will finally become happy when the entire human race is gone. She could start over again. Because the nature always repairs itself.

So basicly : It's two steps back, but three steps forward for mother nature. Anyway, do what you want to do and don't lay awake about it ;)


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