If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.

Carol • Song of happiness • French
Milena • The favored one • Czech-Republic
Aednat • Little fire • Irish
Dixon • Son of Dick • Scottish

Carol was born on the 4th of July, 1985. She is now (2015) 29 years old, and turns 30 this year.

      Carol is a very sarcastic and mysterious. She loves to make jokes, especially about people. She knows how to handle people, and she always enjoys having arguments with people she doesn’t like. When she glances at you on a special way, you can say she’s totally judging you. She can be quiet, but most of the time, she doesn't know how to shut up. Her jokes are really pervert and dirty, 50% of the times. She has issues with accepting people in her heart, she doesn't trust somebody fast.
      She isn't a total bitch. Once she accepted you in her heart, she'll be a good friend, who always will and can help you with problems. She isn't scared to fight for what she loves. In fact, she likes to kill/torture you for hurting someone she loves.
      Carol dislikes talking about her feelings. She has serious issues in this, and like I said before; she doesn't trust somebody fast. She is all of this, but she is also in war with her inner self. One side hates herself for enjoying pain of others, and the other side loves it.
      But she can be sweet and charming. It's just a side she never shows. For some people, she'll make an exception, and then she'll be a good friend. She lives following her own rules, and she doesn't give a shit about the law at all.
      Carol had a long time the feeling she was alone, and she accepted that fact. She likes to observe people, and she can tell quick how your attitude is. She isn't scared to die, she's scared for the people who'll miss her.

Carol has different hairstyles for her light brown hair. One is curly, one is stye and short. She has shiny green eyes, with a little blue in them, but that's very rare. Her height is 1.78, 5'10" in inches.
Her current weight is 71 kg, what's 156 lbs. She is pretty muscular, but not too much. She can eat very much without getting fat, and if she does, she'll never get over 80 kg.

Carol had a normal youth. At the age of six, she discovered her patriotic, helpfull side, who wanted to help people, no matter what. She wanted to be in the militairy, like her dad.
Her mother however, wanted that she became a housewife, or something what a normal woman would do. This didn't stop Carol from following her dreams, but a few years later, Carols mother committed suicide. She never knew the reason.
She was bullied in school, because she was a little bit tomboy. The girls didn't liked her and the boys thought she was weird. She never had any friends back at school.
When she had science, she was coupled to a popular boy, they became friends. The friendship was secret. But like every secret friendship, people found out. The boy's girlfriend thought he was in love with Carol, and she and her friends stalked her since she found out. Carol was beaten up by the popular girls, but she never gave up.
Her father was fed up and concerned about his daughter, and he thought her how to fight. Carol liked the self-defence lessons and wanted more, and she became a fighter.
The popular girls wanted to beat her up again, but this time it was different; Carol kicked their asses. From then on, she promised herself to help the weak, in a good way, or another.
She joined the army, and went on deployment to other countries. After her last deployment, she stopped at the rank of Captain. She became a vigilante, and her secret hideout was under her nightclub.

•Guitar • Carol has amazing guitar skills, she has learnt to play guitar by just looking at how other people play.
•Train • Carol is a hard worker, and she likes to train whenever she's allowed too.
•Sleep • Carol sleeps very much, 'cause she has no time at night. She often sleeps at night, and she'll go to bed at 6 A.M. until noon. This is one of her hobbies, because she'll say so.
•Read • Carol loves to read in her free time, the only problem is she never has the time to read.

Carol works as a owner of a nightclub, which covers her secret hideout.

How she thinks about Nigel:
Carol likes Nigels sassy side, but she can see he has been lonly, like she was for a long time. If you'd ask her, she'd say they're pretty much the same, in attitude.

Carol owns a black Zenvo ST 1. She also likes to travel with her motor bycicle, but she likes cars more.

Carol enjoys music from the seventies, but also alternative rmetal, like Breaking Benjamin (which is her favourite band).

Carol is (in her opinion) a hardcore vigilante. She fights the crime in her city. Her weapons are two samurai-swords on her back, and she has a few guns, and knifes in her combat boots.
Her vigilante outfit consist of a pair combatboots, grey armypants, a black jacket with a hood, gloves with knuckles and a black mask.

Weapons, and fight style.
Carol can do a couple of things. Taekwondo, Karate, Judo, ninjustsu... She can do even more fight-sports. She often uses her samurai-swords, guns and her knickles and feet, but she can use other things as well.

Carol has a couple of powers. She can teleport, regenerate fast, and she can control metal. She has those powers because of her DNA, she has the so called "X-gen" in her blood, what makes her a mutant.

"There's only one way to describe myself; my own way."

Favorite quote:
"Close your eyes, so many days go by. Easy to find what's wrong, harder to find what's right." • Breaking Benjamin

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