Once i'm in, i never can get out of there.
It was more then a feeling. But that feeling lost with the wind. Now i'm out of love because i lost the love i had for that boy.
Such a sweet boy.. But he said no and leaved me behind. We're still friends but it's hard to talk to him. I'm annoying to him becaus i can't poke him =.=' How stupid. But once in this year or later, i'll find my feeling that i had before. That i los in the wind. It will return back to me. I hope i'll keep it close to me. I'll never lose that feeling. It'll be the worst day if i lose that feeling for the second time. I never wanna go out of love. I wanna stay in this crazy feeling, in this crazy mood.. It was more then a feeling, but now it's gone. How am i to live with this pain.
It'll never heal, but i'll learn to live with this horrible pain. But i absolutely live with it. Life goes on and surely i go on. Carpe Diem ^^

Much love and much luck in love,
Laura-san (K)

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