The way you looked was heartbreaking - the way your eyes blinked for a second and how you turned your head to the other side of the room - heartbreaking.
The way you opened your mouth to speak, but shut it again because you couldn't find the right words.
And I, I wished I could comfort you, make you feel better - in any way. But you didn't listen, you left me trembling and uhm-ing. And slowly, after a period that seemed to take ages and ages, you opened your mouth and spoke with a voice that I could not recognize, that dind't seem to be yoùr voice.
'You did... whàt?' And at that very moment I realised what I had done. My upperlip trembled and I wished I could sày something, but there were no words to express what I wanted to say.
'I-I...' But you put one finger on my lips to make sure I would not say another word. Not another word to hurt you. To drench your wounds in salt.
But you kissed me.

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