Foto bij hoofdstuk 46

On the beach itself, nothing special happens, except for all the girls who were screaming, but when the paparazzi (imagine that Belgium has paparazzi) came, they left. Not back in the car, just more behind the dunes. After that, they went eating an ice-cream, and then there was no other option but going back home. To be honest, it wasn’t home, but they stopped a few times. Once to throw Louis out, once to let Louis out (to the toilet), once because Louis wanted a hotdog, and once because Louis wanted to go to the playground. There they had a lot of fun, and they stayed there until it became dark and they couldn’t see the toys anymore, so they went home. This time, Clair founded small tents in which they could sleep. Louis, Eleanor, Harry and Rowen slept in a big tent, Liam and Loni slept in one, and then Zayn in Niall in the biggest tent with Liza, Kirsten and Meredith. In the big tent, Meredith, Kirsten and Zayn where quickly asleep, but Liza and Niall stayed talking. He was surprised when Liza screamed that she definitely wants to sit in the same car as Niall. She had to laugh about that, and with that topic, a whole conversation in the middle of the night started. In the other tent, the one from Liam and Loni, they weren’t sleeping either. They are talking, but mostly laughing. Future couple? Let’s hope ;) but in the tent of Harry, Rowen, Eleanor and Louis (what you can call IN), they are definitely not sleeping. Clearly awake! Running around, talking, laughing, but not screaming, that will wake the rest (not that everyone is sleeping…)
‘Guys’, Eleanor says after Liam shouted that they should be more quiet, ‘maybe we should be a quieter’
‘I don’t think that necessary’, Louis (duh) says
‘Maybe we should’, Harry says, ‘but how?’
‘I have an idea!’, Eleanor says, ‘you give us a massage!’

Reageer (2)

  • LoverOfTheRain

    future couple? let's hope ...
    ik hoop het ook ;) alleen weet ik nie wa mn boyfriend daarvan zal vinden :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Merry10002Xx


    1 decennium geleden

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