Foto bij ~Part 3~

This might be a little longer, hope you enjoy!! :)

She kept running, it was raining cats and dogs and she was only wearing a light summer dress with ballerina’s. she didn’t care, crying in the rain, running to her parents’ house, hoping them to be home. When she finally got there, she kept knocking on the door, waiting for someone to open. “Open the door please! Mom, dad, it’s me! Please open the door! Help me!! Please...” she shouted the same words over and over again. Until someone opened the door. It wasn’t her mom, it wasn’t her dad. “Who are you?” she asked in shock. “Hi, I’m Lindsey, I live here.” “No, my parents live here, Patricia and George Marwick. Where are they??” “Oh, you’re their daughter, I’m sorry to say this but they both died, last year in a mysterious car accident, the bodies are never found.” “No, no, no, no...This can’t be true...” she started crying even more. Putting her hands in her hair, she cried. “You can come in, if you want” Lindsey asked. “Thank you. I’m Becca by the way.” “Nice to meet you Becca, are you OK? Why are you here so late?” I wanted to see my parents, I don’t know why this moment but I just did.” She lied.” Lindsey made her a hot cup of chocolate and they both sat down on the couch. “So... you’re Rebecca Marwick?” “Yeah, but everyone calls me Becca.” “Hey, I think I found something for you, when I moved in. I think your mom wrote it to you.” “What? You’re serious? Where is it?” “Wait a sec, I’ll go get it.” Lindsey left. A couple of minutes later, she was already back, with an envelope. She handed it to Becca, and Becca saw it was her mom’s handwriting. “It’s from my mom.” She whispered. She slowly opened it and read the letter. “When you’re reading this, you’ll know I’ll be gone.” “I know this day would come, I’ve always known, Nick was something bad.” “Take the bus to Atlanta, but get off in ... , there’s going to be a woman waiting for you, her name is Catherine Harreway. She’ll take care of you.” “Make sure, no one recognizes you, wear a lot of makeup, cut your hair and color it blond.” “ Change your name also, no one can know your past, you will be able to rebuild your life there.” “Love, mom.” She was still crying, knowing she had to leave every memory about her parents behind. She thanked Lindsey for the hot chocolate and letter, and left. She took the first bus to Atlanta, like her mom told her to. She threw the letter in a trash can, with pain in her heart, but it would be to risk full to take it with her.

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