Foto bij Tears.

Tears, from pain.
Tears from happines.
Tears from cry.
Tears from worry's.
Tears, they roll over your face.
You cry when it hurts,
or when you smile.
Sometimes they slipped out of my eyes.
Because i feel the friendship between us.
They glims, under your eye.
Pain, worry it hurts.
Please let it stop,
it feels i die inside.
My heart broken,
in thousand million pieces.
Please, oh please stop it.
It's just that feeling,
you think your nothing.
You are maybe nothing for someone else.
For me, you are special.
You've prommised you stop.
That prommis was just a lie.
OMG, it hurts too much.
Oh please, stop for yourself.
For me,
For everyone that love you.
It's just a stupid think.
There's more in world.
Look at these words please:

the best drug for pain.

You've hurt much people with this.


Reageer (3)

  • Namelessness

    zuper moooi

    1 decennium geleden
  • AngelAddict

    ohmygod... how beautifull!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • MissCarrot

    wat mooi............
    ik moet er ook nog eens van huilen.
    en ik begrijp wat je bedoelt.

    1 decennium geleden

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