Heeeey. Ik ben een verhaal aan het lezen over een meisje die door de problemen in een ander huis terecht komt (bij kendall) en het is echt een goed verhaal. Dus bij deze. Kijk naar het verhaal I don't care van hardfighter!!!!
(En lees het verhaal van xlenox)

"The doorbell is ringing!" I hear my mom shouting.
"I'll get it!" I shout back when I was walking to the door. I open the door and look whp stands there.
The eyes of the one in front of me could see right through my soul. I look at him full of surprise. He looks back at me with his beautiful brown eyes and says:
"Wow, you look wonderful!"
I blushed and tried to talk back. All I could say was:
"Thanks... is this all real? Am I dreaming?"
A little smile came on his face. I almost melted.
"Yes, it's real. You aren't dreaming. My name is Bill. My last name is Kaulitz, you may have heard of me before."
"Well ,yeah! I've heard of you In many songs, humanoid city and.. maybe in my dreams... but why are you here?"
Bill smiled again. He liked it that I was confused.
"Remember when I said that I had something planned for tonight?"
"Yes, what are you going to do? And have you done that already?"
"I have something special planned for tonight. The only answers you get are something special, no I haven't done it already and It's with you..."
He said looking to me at first with a smile, but when the end of the sentence came he looked at the floor.
"You... you planned something special for me and you?"
I said. But I was still surprised that he was even here.
"Yes, will you come with me?"
"Of course I will! But let me ask my parents first..."
"Wait, can I come in? 'Cause then your parents will see that I'm the real Bill Kaulitz and that I will take care of you."
So I let him in for a few minutes. We talked with my parents and they were surprised and very happy for me. Of course my mom and dad already knew that someone would come for me. My parents gave permission for me to go and said that I had to be at home at 1 o'clock.

I walk to Bill and we walk together to the door. I say goodbye to my parents and close the door. I look at Bill. He is still looking at me and I feel like heaven. He takes my hand into his and we walk together to the car. There was someone in the car. It was the driver and it was Tom.

I loved it, I really did. The drive was long and I sat next to Bill. Still holding his hand. I often looked at him. The fact that he looked kind of nervous made me happy. I thought that it was a dream, but it wasn't. This time it was real. Bill took me to a club where we immediately started to dance. It was so much fun. After his weird and funny dances and my crazy dances got thirsty. So we went to the bar and bought two drinks. With the drinks we walked to a table with two chairs and sat down. We were just talking, drinking and having fun when he suddenly asked: "wait, how old are you? It wasn't on the postcard and I completely forgot to ask."
"I am __ years old. Do you mind..?"
"Well, yeah. You are actually way too young for me."

Reageer (2)

  • Erinyen

    They need to be together!! (H)

    1 decennium geleden
  • xLenox

    Very cute :3
    En thnx voor het reclame maken hahaha

    Xoxo ly hun!

    1 decennium geleden

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