Since I was little, I was told about true love. How it was the most wonderful thing in the world and bla bla. My mother said she had it with my father, but I know she didn't have true love. When I found out, I stopped believing in it. People get hope from it, but when they don't find true love, it destroys their lives. I don't wanna live like that. Giving someone false hope is terrible.

Finding out that my mother didn't have true love wasn't hard at all. I was 12 years old when I finally put the pieces together. Since I can remember, people in the city have talked about the 'product of true love'. That child would be very, very special. My mother told me I was special, which would make me the product of true love. At first I believed that, but I don't have any special gifts. I'm just like the rest of the people. When people knew that I didn't believe in true love, they tried to change my mind. They said that my child would be the product of true love. But hey, true love doesn't exsist!

When a bird landed next to me, I was brought back to the world. I realized I was daydreaming, again. It happens a lot lately. It's mostly about my childhood and my parents. They died a long time ago and I still miss them. I looked at the shadows of the trees and the sun. She could be here any minute. I hoped she was safe and that she didn't meet any Black Knights during the trip she has to make to get to me. I closed my eyes for a second, but soon I fell asleep.

I woke up, because I heard someone coming. The first thing that came in my mind were the Black Knights. That they found me, would cut my heart out and bring it to the Queen. I would not let that happen. Never. The only weapon I had was a spear. It wasn't very strong, but it'll do for a little while.

"Hey, it's just me!" That was a familiar voice. Red. "I'm so sorry Red. I thought you were a Black Knight!" Red smiled weak. "Yeah, I understand. It's fine, you didn't hurt me!" She giggled. "Anyway, I have some supplies for you. It isn't much, but I'll be back soon." "Thanks Red, I appreciate it." I said and I took the basket. "You'll get this back very soon. I will bring it to you in a short while. Where are you staying now?" Red answered that she was still living with Granny. That's the place where Red and I met for the first time.

Red and I talked for a little while. We didn't speak about how I was doing, because we knew that wasn't good. I always had struggle with telling how I felt and luckily for me, Red knew that. It slowly got darker. Red and I decided that we would met in a couple of weeks, when I needed more supplies. I hugged Red before we went our own way. "Thanks Red, you're a really good friend to me. I haven't had someone like you since a very long time." Red smiled. "You're a really good friend too Snow, you know that." I smiled. "Well, good luck on your way back, Red. See you soon!" With those words, I walked back into the forest to where I stayed now.

After a time walking, I finally got "home". It didn't feel like home, but it was the best place to sleep. It was a huge fallen tree, but it was empty inside. I stepped inside the tree and put back the leaves that hung in front of the entrance. Nobody would ever guess that I stayed here. I walked downstairs and I put some lights on. It was getting late, so I decided that I would ate something that I caught earlier and then go to sleep. It didn't take long before my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

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