Nu ogen dicht zijn
zien ze het felste licht.
Nu het lichaam lam ligt.

Oren horen stilte
Hart gebonk

Ogen open
Licht blauw rood

Dit gedicht is geschreven door Negenduust.


Setting Fires

I have lost my way,
All those shadows,
Taking me of my path
I don’t know where to-

-Go and run and hide,
You seem safe,
You do seem like a friend.
But that’s all al lie.

Cloaked in secrecy,
All the anger,
Fear that you've grown to love.
Stays hidden far away.

The smile that you're faking,
When setting your fires,
Like a crocodile,
Waiting for the kill.

Perfect soldier,
Not knowing or feeling,
Any remorse.
Setting fires,
Watching me burn.

Dit gedicht is geschreven door Talon.

Het nieuwe thema is jaloezie.

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