Date of writing: October 14 2023

Your heart is only an organ
and although it beats fervently at the thought of holding a body,
it's not my body specifically its pace quickens for.

we're full of curiosity,
but I think I'd be able to recognize love
for love has this ferocity
that consumes and devours
in a single bite
And I don't want to leap, don't want to jump
I am just watching, watching, watching-
Just like you are just watching, watching, watching
As if this will unfold
with none of the pieces moving
As though the canvas will fill up
if we don't touch it
We're cowards.
The both of us are, we're cowards.
Plain fucking cowards with organs for hearts
with nothing inside them and nothing to love
And I won't open up, because you're not opening up, and it scares me,
it scares me to death,
to soon be naked in a dark room
While you are just watching, watching me
And I will cut open my skin and peel it off just for a reaction
But your eyes are empty although your heart beats faster
And you pick up my skin, with morbid fascination,
And it's like I've given you everything,
but I cannot love
And I'll pull out my heart to give to you
to apologize for my lovelessness
Meanwhile you're fully dressed, nothing bare, nothing open,
and we both feel

I've played that game before
I've undressed to the bone and I've made men much like you
fall so plainly at the sight
of vulnerability
And all the while I felt nothing

Nothing, nothing at all-
So I'm not going to play with you
And even if I did play, I know you wouldn't fall

You would only watch

So instead we'll eyeball for a little longer
And I will watch you, watch you, watch you
And I don't think I'll take off
this time

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