Sorry, voel me niet zo goed.... :(


"dames en heren, welkom bij het vijfde seizoen van Brittan's got tallent." hoorde de 13 jarige Carlijn de stem weer wegsterven. Carlijn zou meedoen aan Idols, met het liedje Diary van Tino Coury, alleen dan een andere versie, die rustiger was, en ze had de tekst aangepast. "Carlijn! Je moet op" hoorde ze haar beste vriendin schreeuwen, haar ouders waren niet mee, ze stonden niet achter het idee dat ze een zangeres wilde worden. Carlijn haalde adem en stond langzaam op van de wc, trok haar onderbroek en broek op. Zuchte diep, maar bedacht zich toen dat dit was waar ze altijd al van had gedroomd. Ze ging er voor!

"Dames en heren, onze eerste kandidate gaat nu al de spits afbijten... Carrrrrrrrrrlijnn McFeaverrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" riep de presentator hard in zijn microfoon. Het publiek klapte en juichte. Langzaam liep Carlijn naar de spot midden op het podium voor de jury's. "Hallo Carlijn, hoe oud ben je, en watga Jeroen??" vroeg een van de jury's vriendelijk. "ik ben dertien jaar en ik ga zingen" zei Carlijn met een grote glimlach. "En welk liedje ga je zingen?" "Een andere versie van het liedje Diary, van Tino Coury." "Nou, succes Carlijn, zet hem op!"

"I read your diary, and it said
That you weren't in love with me, And your leaving
And I wish that i didn't see
That you fell in love with him, him, him
But I read your diary

I saw a book wit lock and key right next to your name
I, I, I, I couldn't help myself cause things aint just been the same
Can you please tell me cause this sh** is so insane
My heart is bleeding
Papercut from reading, from reading

Page 1
Says that your falling in and out of love
Page 2
Says all them things I do just aint enough
Page 3
No I couldn't see, Page 3 says you don't know how to explain it to me

But I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me
And your leaving
And I wish that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him, him, him
But I read your diary
Oh Oh Oh
Your diary
Oh Oh Oh

I turn the page and see a picture of you and him
No, No, No, that was the night you told me you were out with your
And now I know that my kiss was just S, Second
My heart is bleeding
Papercut from reading, from reading...

Page 4
Says your addicted to sexin him every night
Page 5
Has all the reasons you know that this isn't right
Page 6
I cant handle this
I feel just like JT on that cry me a river sh**

Cause I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me
And your leaving
And I wish that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him, him, him
But I read your diary
Oh Oh Oh
Your diary
Oh Oh Oh

Lets make a list
Broken promises
How you always told me you loved me right after every kiss
And you, you always talking shit
On them other chicks
And now its obvious that we know who the real b**** is...

I read your diary
And it said
That you weren't in love with me
And your leaving
And I wish that I didn't see
That you fell in love with him, him, him
But I read your diary
Oh Oh Oh
Your diary
Oh Oh Oh
Your Diary"

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