Foto bij Why is it me Who Cries?

Groen: Bella
Roze : Moeder van Bella
Geel : Gedachte van Bella
Zwart: Verhaal verteller. (:

en de rest komt nog vanzelf wel...

Mom!! Damn it! Why are you doing this dude. Don't call me dude Isabella. You know i don't like that. And why is it my problem that you are just a stupid teenager who wants to go to an stupid drunk party! huh?Damn it,mom! My whole school is there. And all the beautifull guys are all out there and I can't go because my stupid mother thinks I'm a S T U P I D teenager! Mother don't call there daughters Stupid teenagers. Geez... =S Well, this mother does call her daughter stupid. Or are you deaf? I mean you are every weekend to a stupid drunk party, and you're coming stupidly drunk home. I have enough Isabella. It's Bella! Geez and you're call yourself my mother...Darling. I just only wanted to say that I'm so afraid of you being pregnent on your 17th age! And i don't want to wake up at 3am because my daugther is focking stupidly DRUNK!No, Mom....Go To Your Room Isabella Swan! NOW!G O D.. The tears were in the eyes of Bella, she wanted to say that it was all fake. She wanted to be the girl who every guy liked.. but she wasn't. She was just still a virgin.

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