the next one

one tip,, never drink to much tequilla

alone in the day
alone in the night
nothing you say
can make this right

The whole day I stay in bed,, I`m not even getting out off bed to eat something. Nobody is checking on me anyway. Maybe I was to hard on that Charlisle guy,, he couldn`t have known how my life is. Nahh,, he probably doesn`t care what I did,, and how much my life sucks.

It`s half past 10 (22.30) when I hear the door open,, and my mom comes in the room. “hey sweety,, are you awake” her soft voice ask. I thought about answering for a moment,, but I didn`t. She doesn`t deserve that,, I`ve decided that she first has to say my name before I`m gonna respond. I feel her warm hand going threw my hair,, and then she is gone again. Now I really feel like I`m alone. Why can`t I have a normal family,, I think about this morning. I`ll bet that guy has a normal and loving family.

The next morning is my mom still at home,,” hii sweety” I put myself down on a chair at the breakfast table,, and put my head on it. Before I can answer “bye sweety” and she is gone again. I`ve decided that I`m not going to school for another day. It`s not like they will miss me. I grab my hot coco and leave to my bedroom. This time I sit on the chair by the window. just when I sit down, one of the shinny cars from yesterday is passing by. I can`t see who`s in it but the 2 people who I can see,, are teenagers I think. Maybe their dad is driving them to school,, I wonder if he`s gonna pick them too. The rest of the day I do all sorts off things,,like taking a long shower and cathing up with my homework. And as a grand finaly I eat something

The next day my mom drives me to school. “thanks a lot” I say when I want to leave the car. “bye” is the only answer I`m getting. I get out as quick as I can,, and slam the door hard. I join my group of so called friends. “Aislin,, your better” Logan yells from the other side of the ward. Logan is a really good friend,, but he is always to happy for me. The first period,, history,, is nothing special. I sit behind in the class,, and nobody notice me. Well at least it`s peacefull. The period after that is literature,, another subject where I sit in the back off the class alone. But this time as I walk up to the table,, there is already a guy sitting there. I take my seat and look to the guy. “ hii I`m Aislin” he looks at me,, angry,, and then he looks back to the teacher. The class starts,, and the guy is acting al weird. He is not looking at me and he keeps his head straight to the blackboard. His fist are tightened,, and one of them is for his mouth. Every now and then his face turns to mine,, and his eyes stand zo furious. When the class is half finished,, I can`t take it anymore. “ Asshole” I say to him,, then I pack my bags and leave the class. The teacher probably couldn`t care less,, because no one is comming after me. I call in sick again,, and start walking home.

if even a complete stranger hates me,, what do I have left. Everybody is a stranger to me,, even myself. Maybe this world is better of without me

Reageer (1)

  • Riddles

    Aww..poor Aislin...I wish she was happier :(
    But it will, I'm sure about that! :D

    Your story is so awesome to read! I can't wait for number 4 (lol)So hurry up! I'm waiting! ;)

    If Aislin's mom would be mine, we would fight all the time...And I'll probably forget my own name -,-'


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