okay,, what happend to me today was so stupid. This morning I woke up around 11,, and I was hungry. So I went downstairs and I thought well everybody is gone so I walked in the living room in my bra and boxer. And I open the door,, is a part of my family sitting there,, staring at me.:$:$ I forgot it was my moms birthday xD

now I`m just as horrible as Aislin her mom xD

I want reactions!!!

My life is ugly,, and the person who`s living it too. Your life is beautifull,, and so are you.

Just when I wanna put myself off “excuse me miss,, what are you doing” fuck. I turn around,, and see the manager standing there. “your not aloud to come here”. Dude I`m planning to kill myself,, do you really think I would care if I break a few rules. “Okay,, I will go” and then I turn around again. “miss I think you should come with me” the guy tells me,, when he grabs me. “to where” I say sharp. He hold me tight,, and pulls me back. “just sit to the wall,, and talk to me” he ask me careful. Now we stand on the ground again,, and not in the way as I hoped. “ there is nothing to talk about” I don`t look at him. “the boy really was right,, you really want to commit suicide” the man drags me with him. “I never want to see you here” “hold up,, what boy said that” I ask suprised,, no one knew I would go here. “Well there was this strange guy,, he said someone was trying to commit suicide,, by jumping off this hotel. I don`t know what his name is,, but we takes these sort of things really serious. So you owe this boy your live” the man chatter through when we walk back to the elevator.

“now young lady” why does he even try to talk to me. “why are you willing to commit suicide” I don`t look at him,, I just stare at the wall,, till I can leave. And so it be. It`s an hour later and I`m standing outside. The man took a photo so that if I ever come here,, without checking in,, that they can get me out. Like this is the only way. I`m still wondering who the guy was,, and how did he know what I was planning. one thing is for sure,, I`m not giving up

I`m going home. Where,, as I suspected,, no one is. I look at the clock,, it`s only 2 o`clock so school isn`t out. Maybe some of my friends from watford are on msn,, so I log in. Jade is on,, she used to be a really good friend,, and she knew everything about me.

Senorita Jade: hii baby
Miss Aislin: hii
Senorita Jade: how r ya??
Miss Aislin: fine,, and you
Senorita Jade: I`m fine too
Miss Aislin: so I can come to you
Senorita Jade: yes,, as soon as posible
Miss Aislin: I`m gonna call the airport right now
Senorita Jade: good girl
Miss Aislin: I`ll call you when I get there

We where never really good with this kind off situations. But I call the airport,,and the first flight to london is tomorrow afternoon. I book one ticket,, and I`ll send the check to my mom. not that,, that will bother her. And then I pack my bags. I look in my parents room for the safe. Lucky me knows where the extra key is,, so I take a little money for a gab and food tomorrow. I feel a lot better then this morning. I send a text to Jade,, and I call the school that I`m not coming a while. Should I say something to my mom,, she always calls. Then I decided that I should do it like she always does.

all I want to know is,, why. It was my plan to be happy like that,, and even that I couldn`t have. I so hope my plain crash

Reageer (5)

  • wolfmother

    So Good!!!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Sammii

    Its not as worst as mine i tought i was home alone 2 and i walked just like you in my bra and boxer and i walked into the kitchenn and al of my brothers friends where sitting there

    1 decennium geleden
  • KathyCullen

    verder :D

    1 decennium geleden
  • Wasilewski


    1 decennium geleden
  • Riddles

    Who's the boy, who's the boy?! I wanna know!(A)

    Sorry for the short reaction but I really need to do my homework now :( It's so much!

    But anyway, I'm hoping for a new part very soon! Keep writing girl, I love your story!!(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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