another one,, sorry this going faster then the translated one. Because this is easier for me xD

I hope you like it??

How is it possible that the best ideas I ever had,, are the worst mistakes I ever made

“that's not a good idea” now I really feel ashamed. “fine,, turn the lights on your way out” and as I turn around,, I pull the blankets over my head. And I close my eyes so tightly,, that it's impossible to fall asleep. After what feels like an hour,, I turn around again. The lights are still on,, but I'm alone again. “stupid,, big headed,, ow look ate me I'm better then everyone,, freakish guy” Not much later I fall asleep.

The next day my alarm goes of. “wake up sweety,, you gotta go to school” my mom sounds awfully cheerful. “well happy happy joy joy for me” I say sarcastic. But I do as she ask and so we are driving to school an hour later. “can I have some money for the bus” I really don't feel like walking threw the rain today. “I'm picking you up,, when your free” Where have I heard that before.

I get out off the car as fast as I can when we arrive at school. I see the car from yesterday. I should have know what the way too expensive cars,, where from the Cullens. “great,, great,,great” I really sound sarcastic today. “talking to yourself again” I don't have to turn around to recognize that voice. “hii Logan” together we walk to the class. I really can't make myself to focus on the lecture,, my thoughts are shipping off to the next class. I really don't want to go.

And before I know it the bell rings and I have to go. I walk into the different room. He's already sitting there. Just ignore him,, you can do it. It's better for you. “hi Aislin” his voice sounds soft. “You forgot to turn of the lights yesterday” I say emotionless. Wow I'm really proud of myself for saying it. “I'm sorry” “Well sorry isn't good enough,, stupid,, big headed,, ow look at me I'm better then everyone,, freakish guy” I mumble.

That's the last thing we say to each other. I'm proudly going to every classes. and I found out I have 2 more classes with him. I'm not going to call him by his name. It's stupid,, big headed,, ow look at me I'm better then everyone,, freakish guy. Or I keep calling him,, him.

And then there's lunch,, I actually eat something. Just to prove him,, that I won't kill myself over him. Okay I will,, but at least not a school. “Edward is looking at you” Tally,,my other friend,, says. “Who??” I just play dumb. “One of the new guys,, he's so freaking hot” Yes and arrogant. “Well let him,, he's a nobody” When I say that,, I look harsh at him. Now he looks away,, phuh 1-0 for me.

After school I stand outside. And guess what. It's raining,, you didn't see that coming right?? And guess again,, my mom isn't there either. Wow now I really am surprised. “Logan,, can you drive me home??” I ask him real sweet. “I'm so sorry,, I can't,, I have to go to basketball” He says pleading. “It's okay,, I can walk” I close my jacket. “Or you can ride with us” He is standing there,, with his family behind him. Great,, my hallucinations are there too. “I rather drown myself” and I start walking. “you shouldn't be so hard-headed,, we just wanna help” I turn around. “Guess what,, I don't need your help. And if I needed it,, I wouldn't take it from anyone of you anymore”

I'm walking for 15 minutes or so. I'm wet till the bone,, and I'm cold. But I'm proud off myself for doing what was right. “was it really the right thing to do” Alice is walking next to me,, with an umbrella. I'm ignoring her,, see how she feels about that. All of a sudden it stops raining,, but I still here the ticking. It's the umbrella,, Alice is walking closer to me so I won't get any wetter. I have to control myself not to thank her. But then I feel a dry jacket over my shoulders,, and I look to her. “thanks” and we walk further in silence.

Silences make the real conversations between friends. Not the saying but the never needing to say is what counts

Reageer (5)

  • MeLovesMusic

    Awesome story ^^.
    I've just read al the parts of it. :P
    It's really nice.

    1 decennium geleden
  • LijpoooTH


    I read the whole story<3 and i love it. My English sucks xD
    I can read it, but to write something, it's not good xD

    1 decennium geleden
  • KathyCullen

    verder :D

    en ik vind ze in het engels beter


    1 decennium geleden
  • Riddles

    Another amazing part!
    It's great(flower)

    It's a short reaction now 'cus I'm tired -,-'
    I was too active in the weekend :p too much drinking :p

    1 decennium geleden
  • Wasilewski

    more please (H)
    She's kind off harsh to the Cullen family :o
    & I hate her mom! :S

    moremoremoremoremore please (H)______(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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