
Het gaat niet over het liedje LaLaLand maar ik wist geen betere naam xD

have fun

x.x M

I live in LaLaLand. That's a place on the world where everyone is the same. People who live there are very kind. I live there to. I love it. I looked around and just smile. Someone holds his hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and look in the eyes of Joe Jonas. "hee" said he with a smile. I start blushing and run away. I heard someone behind me. I stop running. "what's the matter?"he asked me. "I dont know" said I as answer. He started laughing. I looked him in the eyes. "what's wrong?"I asked. He stops en smiled "nothing"gives he as anwer. I hold up my shoulders and started walking. He walks next to me and hold my hand. I keeped my breath. " I love you"he said. I dont know what to say and just ignored him. "hee do you believe me?" did he ask. "I I just dont know becaus your famous and I'm just a normal person who lived in LaLaLand". I walked away and don't looked behind. I step into a store where my BF Taylor works. I went to the store. She looked up "hee"said she with a smile. I smiled back and look to the ground. "what's wrong?"she asked. " I dont know I've just met a cute guy you know JOe Jonas?" I've ask her. She looks suprised and says "yes". "well he walks nest to me and keeps holding my hand and said that he loved me" that whole story I've told was in one breath. Taylor looked at you with a big smile on her face. "why did you walked away?"she asked. " becaus he's famous and i guess he don't have anytime for me when I'm with him". "yes that's maybe true but love is stronger than that"she said. I started thinking and maybe she's right. "maybe you'll right". "now hurry up"she said and push me out of the store. People looked at me. But no Joe Jonas. I looked in every area. LaLaLand is big he can go anywhere. Maybe I ws so stupid and mean that he lived LaLaLand. I started crying. "hee why are you crying?" a femillior voice sounds behind me. I turned and again there was Joe. "OMG I thought that you were gone". He hold me in his arms "ofcourse not, but do you believe me when I say that I love you?"he asked again. I smiled "yes". His face came closer and I tasted his lips on mine. I feel so excited. When I open my eyes a sparkle came in his eyes. It was a moment that I never want to forget. Every second of my life I want to spend it with you. His hands lay down on my hips. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"he asked. "yes I loved too" I said with a sparkle in my eyes. He kissed my lips and I feel a weird feeling in my stomach. He hold my hands and togheter we walked to the Park. Everyone looks at us and smiled. LaLaLand was better but now it's even beter. Caus now I'm with Joe. The boy who I really love.

reactie?? (A)
niet dat het zoo geweldig engels is maar goed xD gaat om het idee

Reageer (6)

  • desperately


    1 decennium geleden
  • Dazzled

    Mooooooi ^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • xxMissJonas

    Nicee !!

    1 decennium geleden
  • DarkSnow

    Het is wel goed engels!
    Hij is echt super mooi.

    1 decennium geleden
  • WorkOfArt

    super geweldig super super super super super super super sexy super super het zou zo uit een boek kunnen komen.. lief lieflief super super super

    xx Mar,_O_

    1 decennium geleden

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