Foto bij Brittany S. Pierce

Season 1

Brittany: I find recipes confusing

Will: Can anyone tell me what a ballad is?
Brittany: It's a male duck.

Brittany: She[Miss Pillsbury] is the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker

Finn: Hey don't make fun of Rachel. I mean, she's kind of cool. Brittany: Finn, that's mean.

Artie: I'm getting cold feet about doing this. Brittany: Can you even feel your feet?

Brittany: (seeing Puck without a Mohawk for the first time) Who is that guy?

Glee Tour 2010

Brittany: One day, I will make Kurt Hummel mine. You can count on that. Even though I can't count.

Brittany: See these guys back here, they're called stage hands, I've made out with every single one of them

Brittany: (To Kurt) You look like a boy peacock who likes other boy peacocks.

Season 2

Brittany: I wore a tank top because I thought it was summer. No one ever taught me how to read a calendar.

Brittany: My name is also Britney Spears.
Mercedes: What the hell is she talking about?
Brittany: My middle name is Susan, my last name is Pierce. That makes me Brittany S. Pierce. Brittany Spierce.

Brittany: I don't brush my teeth, I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist.

Brittany: Finn can fly?

Kurt: What are you going as for Halloween, Britt?
Brittany: I'm going as a peanut allergy.

Season 3

Kurt: Why don't you just run for student body president?
Brittany: I'm not smart enough.


Mrs. Hagberg: What's the capital of Ohio? [Brittany raises her hand] Brittany.
Brittany: O.

[The class looks at her and laughs.]

Mrs. Hagberg: What? Do you even know who the president is?

[The class laughs harder.]

Brittany: Dude, I love Adele. She sounds like what banana cream pie sounds like when it sings.

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