Foto bij Acceptance letter.

Allegany University.

Dear …

We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted at Allegany University of Louisiana. Term begins on november 2. Please read the rules and send us a copy with your signature.

Rules :
-Never tell a human what you really are.
-Never bite a human.
-Do not enter the human building without permission.
-Assemble at lunch time in the great hall WITHOUT humans.
-In case of trouble inform a headteacher instantly.
-Follow the rules STRICTLY.

Enjoy your staying at bloodsucker university (Allegany University).

Sincerely, headmaster Griffiths.

Reageer (3)

  • Vargas

    Dit lijkt me wel wat. :3 Abo!
    Als er nog meer hoofdstukken komen iig. Of begint het pas op 2 nov?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Catmint

    I take a bladwijzer

    1 decennium geleden
  • Vasilisa

    I'll give it a shot and see what it's like :')

    1 decennium geleden

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