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Trees and a small field. With behind them a beautiful old house. Someone was moving behind those glass windows. I knew this place. This moment.
The Doctor came. He watched how the man lifted the little girl into the air. My father.
I was shocked by the change in the Doctor's eyes. Peacefully watching while the inside rain was visible.
Now I began to understand.
As his voice was waiting to sing. Too much pressure. It needed to flee. The song came as soft as a breeze.

'There was a doctor and his wife
and she was beautifull.
A foolish doctor and his wife
she was his reason and his life
and she was beautiful
and she was virtious
and he was... Naïve'

Katie woke up and heard him singing. I singaled her to keep quiet.

'TARDIS removed the Doctor from his plate
Then there was nothing but to wait.
And she would fall.
So soft, so young, so lost and oh so beautiful!

Nobody would know
That was many years ago'

Katie carefully listened as he sang. Her eyebrows were pushing towards eachother above her cutting eyes. Behind those trees there was my family.

'There was another man that saw
that she was beautiful.
And he made her life whole'

She tried to imagine what it must feel like. Seeing a stranger holding your child. Making her mother smile as she did... when she was happily in love.
Yes, we understood the pain in the Doctors voice as he sang. He was unnessecary. It looked like we didn't even miss him.
That must be the reason why he never visited us. If he had seen this... it has been painful.
Maybe he didn't even knew that the child was actually his daughter.

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