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I was on the road again. Korse had sent me to find out where the Fabulous Killjoys hide-out was. This time he didn't send Dracs with me so finally I had some time alone. Of course I had to be looking for the Killjoys but I wasn't in a real hurry.

I drove to their house and when I got there I hid behind a dune so no one would see me. Looking over the top of it, I saw Party Poison, Fun Ghoul and Missile Kid. It looked like Poison was teaching Kid how to shoot and Ghoul was fixing something. After a while Fun Ghoul joined the other two.

For hours I laid there watching the Killjoys. They already ate and Ghoul and Kid went inside, probably to sleep since it's getting dark. Poison stays outside. Now I notice I haven't seen the others. Where could they be? It doesn't really matter, probably they'll be back soon.
It's getting dark, I'm gonna sleep too. In the trunk is a blanket to cover me and I try to find a comfy position in the backseat.

I'm awoken due to a car arriving. After I stumble out of the car to the top of the dune, I can see that the other Killjoys have returned. Poison hugs Kobra and I'm sure the latter rolls his eyes. Then I see Smiling Bomb and something flinches in my stomach. They start packing things out of the car and bring it inside. After fifteen minutes they're done and just sit in the sand eating something. It looks like Jet, Bomb and Kobra are bringing a report or something.

I wanna smoke, but can't 'cause they might see it. Back in the car is water so is stand up to get it. I turn around and step right on a branch or something.
Great. The Killjoys look up to see where the sound came from. Of course they had to hear it. I go back to the car hoping that they won't come this far to check if no one's here

It might be better if I go back to BL/ind.


I stand in Korse's office once more. I hate this place, actually just whole BL/ind. Everything is white. Not one colour except for the clothes the people here wear. And even those are boring; always white or grey. Even I'm dressed whole in black 'cause the Fabulous Killjoys can't know who I am. Under no circumstances.

"Did you find them?" God, I hate this man. I'm glad I have my cigs or I'd kill him right know. And that wouldn't be good for me since BL/ind would kill me then. I light one and inhale deep.
"I didn't." I take another breath, ignoring Korse. I can almost hear him scrape his teeth.
"I wonder why I'm letting you live. You're useless." I swallow.
"I'll find them. Give me some time."
"Don't you know where they live?"
"I used to. But they probably moved. They're not stupid, you know."
"Tomorrow you go again. Make sure you find them."
"Fine. Cuz you ask so nicely." I turn around and go to my room. I shouldn't say such things, it could kill me. But I can't stop it. And I won't as long as I have my own will. Suddenly I stop, a thought struck me.

What if they're givin' me drugs? What if they put in my food? Am I slowly losing my will? Am I becoming a puppet? I can't let that happen!

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